July 2023
Advancing a Safe, Circular, and Cost Competitive Electrified Technology for H2O2 Production: HYPER
At the core of HYPER project is the electrification of H2O2 production, and in turn its modular on-site and on-demand production potentially applicable to multiple industries: pulp and paper, textile, electronics, chemicals/ coatings, sanitisation, and water treatment. HYPER strongly addresses the EU Green Deal challenges by transforming the EU’s economy for a sustainable future, decreasing GHG emissions and greening the chemical industry.
ETA-Florence is the proud Work Package Leader for the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities for this project.
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A Clean Way to Power Homes Off the Electricity Grid: FIT4MICRO Project's First Newsletter
This newsletter, designed and edited by ETA-Florence, reports the latest news and developments of the project that have occurred up to July 2023 including what was presented at the EUBCE 2023.
Fit4Micro - Clean and Efficient microCHCP by microturbine based hybrid systems- is a Horizon Europe project aiming at developing a highly efficient microCHCP hybrid system running on sustainable liquid biofuels and able to provide renewable heating, cooling and power production.
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Growing Energy Crops on Contaminated Land for Biofuels and Soil Remediation: GOLD Project's Third Newsletter 
Since the last newsletter research has really taken off resulting in the completion of several project deliverables. The main recent deliverables focus on phytoremediation comparisons, biomass characterization, and contaminated land mapping.
This newsletter, designed and edited by ETA-Florence, provides a summary for each of these deliverables as well as a summary of recent activities and events.
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Connecting Forestry and Agroforestry Partnerships Across Europe: FOREST4EU Project's Full Website Now Online  
The website of FOREST4EU Project, designed and developed by ETA-Florence, is now online. Visit it now to know more about the concept, the main objectives and the partners involved in this very interesting project.
The main goal of FOREST4EU is to develop a European multi-actor network to promote and disseminate best practices related to the innovation of national forest and agroforestry among EU countries. 
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Enhancing the Uptake of Biomethane in Europe:  GreenMeUp Project's First Newsletter 
This newsletter, designed and edited by ETA-Florence, reports the latest news and developments of the project that have occurred from August 2022 up to July 2023, including what was presented at the EUBCE 2023.
GreenMeUp is a Horizon Europe projects that aims at facilitating the wider market uptake of biomethane in the European energy and transport sectors by strenghtening the market in countries with slower market development policies. 
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EBIO Project Animation Series 

Find out all about the EBIO process from feedstock, to valorisation through electrolysis, and the output, in this three-part animation video series.

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Phy2Climate Project Factsheet

The goal of Phy2Climate is to bridge the existing gap between the adoption of nature-based solutions for remediation of contaminated sites through phytoremediation with the production of clean drop-in biofuels.

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BIKE Project Briefing Notes

This series of Briefing Notes aims to explore issues in the EU policy sphere which may impact low ILUC-risk value chains. Each one focusses on a topic  and identifies concrete opportunities for supporting uptake of the low ILUC-risk system.

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MIDAS Project New Video

Water scarcity is one of the main causes of soil marginality in the Mediterranean Basin and in MIDAS a specific task is dedicated to developing a Subsurface Water Retention Systems (SWRS) to support the water needs of innovative cropping systems that include both annual and perennial industrial crops.

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ETIP Bioenergy 11th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting

27-28 September 2023, Brussels, Belgium

This upcoming edition is focused on the measures for accelerating the energy transition towards the 2030 targets and will provide the political view on bioenergy, talk about recent developments, discuss the latest EU regulation and present how ETIP Bioenergy is supporting its industry. Participation is free of charge and in presence only.

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Conferenza 2023 della Rete Italiana del Fotovoltaico (ReteIFV)

22-23 June 2023, Milan, Italy

La conferenza della Rete Italiana del Fotovoltaico per la ricerca, lo sviluppo e l'innovazione (Rete IFV) ha affrontato i temi della ricerca nel fotovoltaico, per quanto riguarda le nuove tecnologie, le principali attività  di ricerca in corso e le applicazioni del fotovoltaico in contesti utility scale che fortemente integrati, come ad esempio il Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV) e l'agrivoltaico.

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Workshop: Upscaling the Production of Low ILUC Risk Biomass Feedstock for the Bioeconomy  

8 June 2023, EUBCE 2023, Bologna, Italy

BIKE Project and Bio4A Project partners gathered in Bologna to showcase the latest results arising from the projects activities. Click on the link below to download the presentations and to re-watch the recording of the event.

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Workshop: Bioenergy and Renewable Fuels Projects for the Revamping of the SET Plan

6 June 2023, EUBCE 2023, Bologna, Italy

Co-organized by ETIP Bioenergy and EU projects (SET4BIO, EBIO, ABC Salt, HIGFLY, FlexSNG, BiosferA, CarbonneutralLNG, GOLD, CERESiS, PHY2CLIMATE), this event presented the status of of the revamping of the SET Plan with relation to Action 8 Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy.

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Workshop: Biomass-based Technologies and Practices for Carbon Dioxide Removal

5 June 2023, EUBCE 2023, Bologna, Italy

With over 60 enthusiastic participants in person, alongside numerous online attendees, the workshop provided a platform to present NEGEM Project's vision and showcase the project's preliminary results to the biomass community.

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