Heinz Ossenbrink
Former European Commission JRC
EUBCE Online Coordinator
Dear participant of the EUBCE online 2021,
This Monday, 26th of April 2021, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the opening session of the EUBCE 2021!
Before we present the programme in more detail, let me point to some of the many highlights of the conference.
We are excited about an even larger number of attendees compared to our 2020 online edition and it seems we hit your taste!
This is also a very warm welcome to all woman presenting in this conference, with exactly one third of all presentations.
In this conference, we are also able, for the first time, to connect to another renewable energy technology during our special event on agrivoltaics - which you should not miss!
And now: In the opening session, we will highlight the very dynamic political environment striving as we speak to get the global combat against climate change well organized, not only in Europe, but worldwide. Our panel debate will look closer into this global community and, we hope, that you can feel the new spirit of resilience in these difficult pandemic times.
Finally, we invite you to see below for moving words from ADEME on the importance and urgency of our collective effort to prevent further climate change.
Bioeconomy in the heart of the ecological transition
Head of the Forest, Food and Bioeconomy Department at ADEME
The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the urgent need to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Bioeconomy contributes to climate change mitigation in several ways: by sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere in biomass, by storing carbon in bio-based products and by substituting fossil-based feedstocks and products with bio-based ones.
Bioeconomy is at crossroads for many challenges in terms of food, energy, climate and biodiversity. It needs a systemic approach and a search of equilibrium between all these parameters.
For these reasons, bioeconomy is at the top of the ADEME's agenda. This resulted in the adoption of our sustainable Bioeconomy strategy in 2018 (in line with the European and strategies). It covers different areas such as the development of sustainable food, the sustainable production and mobilization of biomass, the production of bioenergy with high environmental value, and the development and promotion of sustainable bio-based products. Our budget regarding bioeconomy lies between 80 and 120 million euros per year. It allows us to intervene on projects with different technology readiness levels (from research and development to innovation).
During the opening session of the EUBCE Conference, Benedicte Genthon, deputy Director of Bioeconomy and Renewable Energy Direction at ADEME, will present the french bioeconomy policy framework and the associated schemes to promote innovation in order to develop sustainable biobased products and bio-energies with high environmental value.
We look forward to joining the discussions at EUBCE 2021 online.