European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
ISSN 2282-5819
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List of articles 2016
Innovation Priorities in Brazil´s Bioenergy Sector: an Integrated Modelling Assessment
2-Year Field Operation Monitoring of Electrostatic Precipitators for Residential Wood Heating Systems
A Multistep Mild Process for Preparation of Nanocellulose from Orange Bagasse
A Pyrolysis-Bridged Hybrid System for Power Production from Biomass and Coal
A Study on the Pyrolysis Behaviour of Different Biomass Fuels Using Thermogravimetry and Online Gas Analysis
Adhesion Strength of Biomass Ash Deposits
Advanced Characterization of Non-Conventional Biomass (from Emerging Markets) in a Fixed-bed Reactor
Advanced Solutions for Biomass Transportation by Road - How to Evaluate their Performance?
Agricultural Pruning as Biomass Resource: Generation, Potentials and Current Fates. An Approach to its State in Europe
Agricultural Pruning Harvesting Demonstrations in Germany, France and Spain. Lessons Learned and Recommendations
Alkali Catalyzed Gasification of Solid Biomass-Influence on Fuel Conversion and Tar/Soot Reduction
Alkaline Peroxide Oxidation Pretreatment of Corn Cob and Rice Husk for Bioconversion into Bio-Commodities: Part A- Enzymatic Convertibility of Pretreated Rice Husk to Reducing Sugar
An Economic Assessment of the Potential and Costs of Investments in R&D in Agriculture to Avoid Land Use Change and Food Security Effects of Bioenergy
An Innovative Harvesting Sysytem for Multipurpose Hemp
An Insight to India's Biomass Production and Biowaste Management: Scope and Challenges
An Iterative Hybrid Algorithm for Process Optimization of a Multi-Product Lignocellulosic Biorefinery
Anaerobic Digestion of Ricotta Cheese Whey: Effect of Phase Separation on Methane Production and Microbial Community Structure
Analysis of the Differences between Actual Data and USEPA, UNFCCC and IPCC Methodologies for Estimating Landfill CH
Generation Potential
Antioxidant Additives for Biodiesel Prepared from Bio-Oil
Application of Non-Thermal Plasma for Improving Producer Gas Quality
Applying Modern Automotive Technology on Small Scale Gasification Systems for CHP Production: a Compact Hot Gas Filtration System
Ash Properties from Cynara Cardunculus L. Gasification
Assessment of Site-specific Environmental Impacts of Bioenergy and Bio-based Products from Perennial Grasses Cultivated on Marginal Land in the Mediterranean Region
Assessment of Soil Organic Carbon Capture of Giant Reed and Poplar SRC with Four Different N-fertilization Regimes
Availability and Characteristic Studies of Using 23 Biomass Residues for Developing of Distributed Community Power Plants
Benzo(a)Pyrene Emission in the Flue Gas from Modern Biomass Boilers
beReal - Development of a New Test Method for Firewood Roomheaters Reflecting Real Life Operation
Bio2Match: a Tool for Optimising the Match between Lignocellulosic Biomass and Conversion Technologies
Biobutanol Production by Immobilized Clostridium Beijerinckii TISTR 1461 onto Activated Carbon
Biobutanol Production by Immobilized Clostridium Beijerinckii TISTR1461 onto Carbon Materials
Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Implications of the Use of Abandoned Agriculture Land for Future Biomass Production in Central and Eastern Europe (CCE)
Bioenergy 4 Business - Solid Biomass for Heat Purposes in Business Sector - Barrieres and Opportunities
Bioenergy and Biopower Targets in South Africa
Biofuels from Agriculture Residues - Opportunities and Challenges: the Example of Pellets Produced from Horse Manure
Biogas Production from Waste Waters through Anaerobic Co-Fermentation Processes at Laboratory Scale
Biogas Recovery from a Pig Farm. Smithfield Bacova Unit Case Study
Biogasdoneright® Model: Soil Carbon Sequestration and Efficiency in Agriculture
Biojet Fuel in Brazil: Technological Routes and Feedstock Availability
Biomass Ash Fluidized-Bed Agglomeration: Hydrodynamic Investigations
Biomass for Energy in Multi-Purpose Forests in Mediterranean Areas: How to Estimate?
Biomass Gasification with Dolomite and Olivine Particles as a Bed Inventory in Presence of Catalytic Ceramic Filter
Biomass Gasifier Based Hybrid Energy System Optimization for Energy Access by Using HOMER
Biomass in Romania - From Potential to Legal Incentives and Full Deployment
Biomass Resources from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Works. The Bottom-Up Spatially Explicit Potentials in Four European Regions
Biomethane Fuelled Tractor - Operation Experiences and Emission Behaviour
Boosting the Biomass Potential in Crisis Situations - Methodology and Case Study for Cogeneration Station in Given Region of the Czech Republic
ButaNexT: NexT Generation Biobutanol
Camelina and Crambe: Underutilized Oil Crops with New Perspectives for Europe
Can Resource Competition Encourage Market Development? A Case Study on the Development of a Corn Stover Market in Flanders
Cascading Use and Classification of Used Wood for Energy in Finland
Castor Oil as Feedstock to Recycle Post-consumed Clothes and its Application
Catalytic Gasification of Digestate Sludge in Supercritical Water, Experimental Results on the Pilot Plant Scale
Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation and Transfer Hydrogenation of Renewable Lignin-Derived Phenolics
CFD Simulation of Industrial-Sized Biomass Furnace
Characterisation and Environmental Impact Assessment of Biomass Ash in Dependency of Combustion Conditions
Characterisation of the Emissions during Broom Biomass Combustion in Three Commercial Boilers
Characterization and Kinetic Study of Energy Crops and Biomass of Microalgae Indigenous in Southern Europe for Biogas
Characterization of Sunflower Husks Fouling in a Drop Tube Furnace: Comparison of Deposits With H
, CaCO
Characterizing the Grinding Behavior of Pre-Treated Biomass Fuels for Coal Pulverizer Application
Co-Production of Green, High Quality Hydrogen and Bio Sng Using Electrochemical Hydrogen Compression
Integration in High Temperature Steam Gasification (HTSG) of Solid Fuels and Blends with Waste
Combined Biomass Gasification and Anaerobic Digestion for the Synergic Effect in Power Production for the Local Application
Combined Exergetic and Economical Optimization of Poly-Generation from Biogas
Combined Heat and Power Generation from Solid Biomass Derived Bioliquids and Syngas by TCR
Combustion of Pyrolysis Oil Blends with Diesel Fuel in a Micro Gas Turbine
Combustion Properties of Torrefied Wood Pellet Using Cone Calorimeter and Pellet Stove
Combustion Tests with Biogenic Residues
Comparative Measurements of Tar Concentrations in Gasification Systems between an Online Method and the Tar Protocol
Comparison of Analytical Methods for Highly Aqueous Pyrolysis Condensates
Comparison of Environmental, Social and Economic Approach to the Pruning Utilization within the Europruning Project
Comparison of Rapid Moisture Content Determination Methods for Wood Chips
Continuous On-Line Tar Monitoring for Process Control
Contribution of Global CO
Emissions Pledges to Bioenergy Expansion: a Long-Term Analysis of Bioenergy Sector Using TIAM-FR Model
Converting Industrial Bio-Wastes, such as Molasses, to Platform Chemicals like 5-Chloromethylfurfural and 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural
Cost-Benefit Analysis of First- and Second-Generation Biofuels Based on an Economic Valuation of Life-Cycle Impacts
Crystal-Plane Effect of Ceria on the Activity of Au/CeO
for Oxidative Steam Reforming of Methanol
Dark Fermentation of Arundo Donax Hydrolysate for Hydrogen Production
Decentralized Use of Torrefied Pellets in South-Savo Region of Finland: Environmental and Economical Assessment
Demonstration of a New Ultra-Low Emission Pellet and Wood Chip Small-Scale Boiler Technology
Design of a Novel Reactor for the Anaerobic Digestion of Biowaste: Radial and Axial Substrate Mixing in a Rotary Drum Fermenter
Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Soya Milk Extractor
Designing an Integrated Technological Platform Centered on Microalgae to Recover Organic Waste and Obtain Multiple Bioproducts
Detailed Reaction Schemes and Product Characterization Applied to Pyrolysis of a Single Spruce Particle
Determination of the Combustion Behaviour of 2nd Generation Biomass Fuels
Determining the Potential of Biogenic Calcium- and Carbon-Rich Residues as Substitutes in the Electric Steelmaking
Development and Demonstration of an Electrostatic Precipitator, which is Optimally Adapted to a Biomass Boiler
Development in Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in the Region of South Savo
Development of a Burner System Optimized for the Utilization of High-Temperature Pyrolysis Gas from Biomass
Development of a Test Procedure to Reflect the Real Life Operation of Pellet Stoves
Development of Combustion Concept for Biomass Pellet Driven Stirling Engine
Development of Electrostatic Precipitators for Small Biomass-Fired Boilers
Development of Ionic Liquid Technologies for the Integration of Pre-Treatment, Fractionation, Extraction, Hydrolysis and Conversion of Biomass in the Frame of the Biorefinery Concept
Development of Lubricants from Renewable Resource: an Approach towards Value Added Product from Vegetable Oil
Dewatered Pyrolysis Oil as Fuel Component in Marine Fuel Blends
Direct and Standard Injection of Sewage Sludge in a Supercritical Water Gasification System - Optimization of the Energy Efficiency Using Pinch Analysis
Economic Evaluation of Bio-Waste Based Digestates as Influenced by Post-Treatment Methods
Economics of Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biogas Digestate in a Hybrid AD-HTC Plant
Effect of Aqueous Phase Recycling in Continuous Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Effect of Different Knives on Particle Size Distribution of Peach Pruning
Effect of Metal Loading on Partial Hydrogenation of Polyunsaturated FAMEs Reactivity over Pd/MCM-41 Catalysts
Effect of Moisture Content on Wood Gasification Generator with Two Small Spark Ignition Engines
Effect of Nitrogen Fertigation on the Yield of Arundo Donax L. Grown in Central Spain
Effect of Pore Size of Pd/MCM-41 on Catalytic Activity for Partial Hydrogenation of Canola Biodiesel
Effect of Steam Explosion Treatment on Biomass Size Reduction
Effects of Gas Conditions on Ash Induced Agglomeration
Emission Control and Performance Calibration for Bioethanol Based Fuel Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines under Idle and Low Load Conditions
Emission Reduction of Firewood Roomheaters by Optimization of Operating Conditions and Catalyst Integration
Energy and Compositional Characteristics of Giant Reed Grown under Different Levels of Water Deficit
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Syngas Production via Biomass Gasification
Energy Efficiency, Environmental Aspects and Cost-Efficiency of Small-Scale Biocarbon Conversion Applications - Value Chain Analysis
Energy Production by Biocoal Pellets in Boilers of Small Scale
Enhanced Gasification of Woody Biomass in Oxygen-Enriched Environment
Enhancing Biodiesel Production via Heterogeneous Catalysis Transesterification by Using Physical Processes: Microwave and Ultrasound Utilization
Entrained Flow Gasification of Coal and Biomass Char Using a Superheated Steam Flame
Entrained Flow Gasification of Torrefied Lignocellulosic Biomass
Entrained Flow Reactor Study of K-Capture by Solid Additives
Environmental and Economic Assessment of Converting Wood to Energy, Based on Modelling of the Entire Production Chain
Environmental Impact of Char from Four Commercial Gasification Systems
Environmental Sustainability of Double and Relay Cropping of Food, Feed and Fuel Crops in the Northern Great Plains, USA
Enzyme Synergism: A Powerful Tool for Decreasing Enzyme Loading for Efficient Biomass Conversion
Europruning Project: Summary of Final Results
Evaluation of Biomass-to-Methane Technologies by a Multi-Criteria Analysis
Evaluation of Common Reeds Potential for Heat Production: a Case Study in Caldaro Lake (Italy)
Evaluation of Cottonseed Oil as Co-Feedstock for the Hydroprocessing of Petroleum Middle Distillates for Diesel Fuel Production
Evaluation of Refuse-Derived Fuel Composition about its Energy Recovery Potential in Santo André, SP, Brazil
Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of Spanish Biomass Boiler Residential Technology: VOC Formation and Control
Experimental Investigation of Olive Tree Pruning Gasification in a Bench-Scale Fluidized Bed
Experimental Investigation of Two Staged Wood-Chip Combustion in a Small-Scale Boiler and Development of a Fast Solving Numerical Simulation Approach
Experimental Research Regarding the Combustion of Crude Camelina Oil in a Furnace
Experimental Studies on the Gasification of the Residues from Prune of Apple Trees with a Spouted Bed Reactor
Factors Behind the Development of Forest Chips Use and Price in Finland
Feasibility Study of Burning Neat Jatropha Oil into a Vaporizing Burner for Household Applications
First Scientific Results with the Novel Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Test Facility at TU Wien
Flexible Fuel Combustion Systems, Using Waste and/or Biomass, for Industrial Steam Generation: South Korean Models in Economic Operation and Financing
Flue Gas Chemistry of NO and KCl during Injection of Ammonium Sulphate - An Experimental Investigation in a Biomass Fired BFB Boiler
Forest Fuel Supply Through the Terminal Network in Finland and Sweden
Fuel Ethanol Production Using Xylose Assimilating Thermosensitive Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Isolated from Date Palm Juice in Bangladesh
Fuel Quality Changes during the Storage of Wood Chips in Large Piles
Fuel Quality of Wood Chips - Chemical Elements and Fuel Indexes
Fuel Upgrading Using Renewable Hydrogen: a Novel Approach to Reduce Fuel's Footprint
Fuel-Staged Co-Combustion of High-Alkali Oil Palm Residues in a Fluidized-Bed Combustor Using Mixtures of Alumina and Silica Sand to Prevent Bed Agglomeration
Gasification Characteristics of Adenosine Triphosphate in Supercritical Water
Gasification Characteristics of Solid and Liquid Components of Shochu (Japanese Distilled Liquor) Residue in Supercritical Water
Gasification of Torrefied Biomass with Carbon Dioxide in a Fluidized Bed
Green Synthesis of Methyl Palmitate as the Biodiesel by Deep Eutectic Solvent for Esterification Reaction
Harvesting of Almond (Prunus Dulcis, Mill.) Pruning in Spain Using a New Chipper Prototype
Heavy Metal Distribution in Soil and Crops after Agricultural Application of Biowaste-Based Digestates
Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio-Oils from Thermo-Catalytic Reforming - High Energy Efficient Route to Renewable Gasoline and Diesel
Hydrodynamic Behavior of Novel Interconnected Fluidized Beds for Biomass Gasification with CO
Capture Simultaneously
Hydrogen Production within a Polygeneration Concept Based on Dual Fluidized Bed Biomass Steam Gasification
Hydrothermal Carbonization of Mixed Biomass: Experimental Investigation for an Optimal Valorisation of Agrofood Wastes
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass for Chemicals
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Lignin
Hydrothermally Carbonized Wet Biomass as Energy Carrier for Combustion and Gasification
Identification of Suitable Areas for Sustainable Biomass Production from SRC in the Region of Kentriki Makedonia
Impact of Forest Management Decision Making on Forest Biomass Supply in Regional Level of Finland
Improved Performances of Updraft Gasification at Pilot Plant by Torrefaction Pretreatment of Wood
Improvement of Acid Hydrolysis and Fermentation with Pichia Stipitis of Olive Pruning Biomass by Deacetylation Process
Improving the Sustainability of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME - Biodiesel) - Assessment of Options for Industry and Agriculture
Improving Wheat Straw Composition and Digestibility By Alien Introgression
Increasing the Share of Biomass Energy in the Brazilian Mineral Industry
Influence of Calcium-Rich layers on the Catalytic Activity of Bed Materials in CO
-Gasification of Biomass
Influence of Leak Tightness and Heat Storage Capacity of Biomass Room Heating Appliances on Thermal Efficiency
Influence of Reaction Parameters of Hydrothermal Carbonization on the Gasification Performance of Hydrothermally Carbonized Biomass
Innovative Indicator for Finding Optimal Forest Biomass Strategic Policies
Integral Optimization of Torrefied Cereal Straw Pellets Production
Intensification of Hemp Hurds Hydrolysis by Combined Steam-Explosion toward Vacuum and Alkali or Dilute-Acid Spraying Pretreatment
Ionic Liquid Pretreatment of Napier Grass for the Production of Butanol
Is Thermo-Chemical Conversion Process of Biomass - A Route for Fuel Cell Application?
Life Cycle Assessment of Biomethane Production Via a Nationwide Systems of Gasification and Methanation for Ireland
Lignin from Miscanthus, the Undemanding Giant
Lipids Production from Lignocellulosic Hydrolyzates by the Oleaginous Yeast Cryptococcus Curvatus
Liquefaction of Lignin and Lignin-Rich Biomass by Catalytic Hydrogenolysis
Locagistics: Design and Evaluation of Regional Biomass Delivery Chains
Long Term Corrosion Measurements during Injection of Ammonium Sulphate in a Biomass Fired BFB Boiler
Long Term Measurement of Leaf Area Index and Radiation Use Efficiency in Short Rotation Coppice Poplar Culture and Cereal Crops
Magnesite and Olivine Performance during Cynara Cardunculus L. Gasification: Gas and Tar Analysis
Market Analysis for a Flexible Furnace for Biogenic Residues
Model Development for Fluid Mechanics and Chemical Reactions in a Dual Fluidized Bed Steam Gasification System by Means of CPFD
Modelling and Assessment of Algae Cultivation for Large Scale Biofuel Production - Sustainability and Aspects of Up-Scaling of Algae Biorefineries
Modelling of Co-Gasification of Biomass and Cow Dung in a Downdraft Gasifier
Modified Diesel Engine Fueled by Syngas: Modeling and Experimental Validation
Molecular Cloning, Bioinformatics and Functional Analysis of JCCBF Gene from Jatropha Curcas L.
Natural Hydroxyapatite as a by-Product of Industrial Biomass Gasification
New Indexes for the Contamination of Wood Chips with Mineral Soil
New Laboratory Scale Fixed-Bed Gasifier Operating at Conditions up to 950 °C and 20 Bar
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Slagging in Biomass Combustion
Olive Tree Pruning as Feedstock for Co-Producing Antioxidants and Bioethanol in an Advanced Biorefinery
Operating Experiences of Large Scale CFB-Gasification Plants for the Substitution of Fossil Fuels
Operation Economy of Chp Plants Using Forest Biomass and Peat
Operational Change of a Biomass Fired CHP for the Provision of Control Reserve - A Techno-economical Case Study
Operational Mapping of a Grate Fired Biomass Combustion Plant for Improved Process Control
Optimization and Scale-Up Correlation Based on Empirical Models of Wheat Straw Samples Adsorption Analysis
Optimization of Bio-Methane Production from Dairy Waste Water by Applying of Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Acidification Stage
Optimization of Biogas Production in Wastewater Treatment Process with Membrane Bioreactor
Optimization of Catalyzed Pretreatment and Fractionation of Cardoon
Organosolv Pretreatment of Barley Straw within the Biorefinery Concept
Oxygen-Blown Entrained Flow Gasification of Biomass - Results from a 100 kW Test Rig
Parametric Study of Self-Heating Properties in Woody Biomass Samples
Partial Hydrogenation of Soybean Oil Derived Biodiesel Using Pd Supported on Hexagonal Structured Supports
Partial Substitution of Maize Silage with Acutodesmus Obliquus Biomass in Continuous Anaerobic Digesters at Laboratory Scale
Perennial Grass Production Opportunities and Constraints on Marginal Soils
Performance of Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Foam Ceramic Elements in Log Wood Stoves
Phosphorus Recovery and Solid Adsorbents Obtaining from Sewage Sludge after a Combined Process of Acid Extraction and Pyrolysis
Physico-Chemical Characterization of Sugarcane Straw Ashes
Pilot Plant for Biogas Upgrading by Chemical Absorption in Amino Acid Salt Solutions with Solvent Regeneration at Moderate Temperatures
Pilot-Scale Experiments Using Cultivated Macro Algae for Biogas Production, Part of a Future Seafarm Biorefinery
Planning for Biogas Plant in Denmark
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Associated to Particulate Matter in Combustion of Residual Biomass
Possible Utilization Pathways of Char from Biomass Thermochemical Conversion: Char as a Catalytic Filtering Medium for Tar Cracking
Power and Biomass-to-Liquid (PBtL): a Promising Approach to Produce Biofuels using Electricity
Pre-Treatment of Organic Residues for Optimized Biogas Production
Preliminary Assessment of Potential as Sorghum Halepense Producing Species Biomass. Density Test and Provenance
Preparation and Characterization of Biodegradable Packaging Film Using Groundnut Protein Isolate
Pressureless Cryogenic Conversion of Biogas into Liquefied Biomethane and Solid Carbon Dioxide
Primary Energy and Climate Change Effects of Forest Residues and Fossil Coal for Electricity Production with and without Carbon Capture and Storage
Process Simulation and Sustainability Assessment during Conceptual Design of New Bioeconomy Value Chains
Producer Gas Fuelled Operation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell - Numerical Investigation
Production and Heating Value of Arundo Donax L. under Different Soil Management
Production and Value-Chain Integration of Camelina Sativa as a Dedicated Bioenergy Feedstock in the Canadian Prairies
Production of Highly Densified Solid Fuel from Woody Biomass by Carbonization with Tar Recovery
Production of Torrefied Pellets from Agroforestry Biomass for Local and Regional Use
Production, Characterization and Utilization of Hydrochar as Bio-Fertilizer
Productivity of 3 New Poplar Clones Grown in a SRC with 5 Years Harvesting Cycle
Promoting the Use of Biomass in Small-Scale Energy Production in Rural Areas
Pruning Residues: Energy Production or Mulching? Environmental Impacts of Almond Pruning Residues Use
Pruning to Energy: a Case Study on Social and Ecological Benefits of a Value Chain
Pyrolysis and Catalytic Upgrading of Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Metal Loaded ZSM-5 Zeolite E
Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste from Old Landfill for 2nd Generation Biofuels
Pyrolysis Oil Based Fuel Emulsions for Marine Engines
Raceway and Bubble Column Photobioreactors for Biomass Production of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa Using Secondarily Treated Sewage
Re-Homogenization of Phase Separated Forest Residue Pyrolysis Oil by Blending
Real Driving Emissions of Vegetable Oil Fuelled Tractors
Recommendations for Management of Large Scale Storage of Wood Prunings to Avoid Quality Changes
Recycling and Energy Recovery from Incontinence Waste (Inkocycle): Anaerobic Treatment of Adults Diapers
Reduction of the Nitrogen Content in the Liquid Organic Phases from Pyrolysis of Sewage Sludge by Means of Liquid-Liquid Extraction
Reshaping Brazil's Policy Framework to Enhance Bioenergy Innovation Technologies under a Low Carbon Future
Residual Biogas Slurry for Mushroom Cultivation: a Step towards Solid Waste Management
Respirometric Tests as a New Approach to Determine Storage Losses of Energy Wood
Rice Straw for Bioenergy: the Effectiveness of Policymaking and Implementation in Asia
S2Biom Survey of Logistical Concepts
Scrub Harvesting Trials for Energy Purposes
Scrubber Liquid Recovery in Small and Medium Scale Biomass Gasification Systems
Seeking for Ratios and Correlations from Field Data for Improving Biomass Assessments for Agricultural Pruning in Europe. Methods and Results
Selective Extraction of Liquid Fuel from Urban Wastewater Sludge by Microwave-Controlled Pyrolysis
Self-fermentation: Innovative Pretreatment for Use High Concentration of Olive Mill Wastewater in Anaerobic Digestion Plant
Semi-Mechanical Harvesting of Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas L.) in Morocco
Sensitivity Analysis on Land Availability for Energy Crops in the EU by 2050
Servant of Two Masters? Trade-Offs for Agricultural Biogas Plants Between Flexible Power Generation and Heat Cogeneration
Setting Up and Running Sustainable Supply of Woody Biomass from Agrarian Pruning and Plantation Removal. Scope and European Initiative
Short Rotation Coppice Moving Forward in a Bio-Based Economy
Sida Hermaphrodita (L.) - A promising Energy Crop for Producing an Intelligent, Densified and Versatile Energy Carrier for Central Europe
Simulation Activities for the Pseudo-Equilibrium Modelling of the Gasification of Agricultural Residues
Simulation Approach to Estimate Logistic at Three Different Biomass Terminal Classes
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis as a Method for Prediction of Biomass Ash Thermal and Melting Behavior
Small, Modular and Renewable District Heating and Cooling Grids for Communities in South-Eastern Europe
Smart Bioenergy - Providing Flexible Bioenergy for Energy Systems with High Shares of Renewables
SME Entrepreneurship in the Solid Biomass Sector: First Results of the Securechain Project (Horizon2020)
SNG Production from Gasified Biomass, Electrolytic H
and Captured CO
Socio-Economic Aspects of Biomass Production within Ecological Focus Areas in Italy
Socio-Economic Benefits of Small Anaerobic Digestion Systems
Standing Losses via Chimney when Using Log Wood Stoves
Statistical Model to Reproduce the Combustion Behavior of Domestic-Scale Wood Pellets Burners
Steam Gasification of Agro-Industrial Lignocellulosic Residues from Bioethanol Industry
Storage Stability of Bio-Oils Derived from the Catalytic Conversion of Kraft Lignin in Subcritical Water
Strategies for Marginal Lands Management in Rain-Fed Agricultural Farms in Spain: Economic and Energetic Analysis
Streamlining Maintenance Processes to Increase Efficiency and Lower Costs
Studies on the Targeted Development of Porous Systems in Biogenic Process Chars for PAH Adsorption for their Application in Gas Processing
Study and Assessment of the Power Generation from Bioenergy of Sewage Treatment Plants
Study of Post Sampling Treatment of Solid Phase Adsorption Method on Tar Yields and Comparison of Two Methods for Volatile Tar Compounds
Subcritical Water Conversion of Cellulose into Glucose for Bioethanol Production in an Integrated Biorefinery Process
Sucellog - Triggering the Creation of Biomass Logistic Centres by the Agro-Industry
Suitability Analysis of Residual Biomass in Colombia for Gasification in Fluidized Bed
SUNSTORE 4: CHP Plant Based on a Hybrid Biomass and Large Scale Solar System - Results after Monitoring
Sustainable Production of Innovative Biobased Ingredients for Cosmetic Products
Synthesis Gas Production from Gasification of Oil Palm Shell Pellets
Technical and Economical Technology Comparison for Small and Medium Scale Electricity Production from Biomass
Techno-Ecological Assessment of the Commercial Productiono of 1,3-Propanediol and N-Butanol from Glycerol Via Fermentative Processes
Techno-Economic Assessment of the Power-and-Biomass-to-Liquid (PBTL) Concept
Tests on Catalytic Wall Flow Filters for PM Abatement from Biomass Boilers
The Approach of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Biorefineries
The Biomass Potential of Non-Traditional Energy Crops in Lithuania
The Cost-Effectiveness of Electrofuels in Comparison to other Alternative Fuels for Transport in a Low Carbon Future
The Development, Validation and Initial Results of an Integrated Model for Determining the Environmental Sustainability of Biogas Production Pathways
The Economic Impact of Wood Pellet Production to the U.S. South
The Effect of Dilute Alkaline-Autoclaving Pretreatment in Enhancing the Biodegradability of Lignocellulosic Garden Waste
The Effect of Packings on the Separation of Solvent and Condensate in Biomass Gasification Product Gas Scrubbers
The Float System for Producing Giant Reed (Arundo Donax L.) Transplants
The Impact of Process Parameters on the Purity and Chemical Properties of Lignin Extracted from Miscanthus X Giganteus Using a Modified Organosolv Method
The Place of Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage in the Future Energy-Climate Regime: a Long-Term Analysis with TIAM-FR
The Potential of Animal Manure, Straw and Grass for European Biogas Production in 2030
The Role of Biochemical Composition in Pyrolysis Reaction Kinetics of Lignocellulosic Biomass: Surrogate approach
Thermo-Catalytic Reforming (TCR®): a Platform Technology to Contribute Present Energy, Environmental and Resource Challenges
Thermodynamic Evaluation of Anaerobic Digestion and Integrated Gasification for Waste Management and Energy Production within Wastewater Treatment Plants
Torrefied Biomass as a Biofilm Support for Anaerobic Digestion
Torrefied Material: an Attractive Feed for Flash Pyrolysis?
Towards the Development of a European Bioenergy Trade Strategy for 2020 and Beyond (BioTrade2020plus Project)
Turning Unexploited Food Waste into Biomethane Distributed through Local Filling Stations Networks
Two-Phase Anaerobic Digestion for Biogas Production from Dairy Effluent-CSTR and ABR in Series
Ultrafine Particle Emission Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Two Residential Woody Biomass Appliances
Understanding the Start-Up- Knowledge Transfer from Bed Material Testing at Chalmers to the Operation of the Gobigas Gasification Unit
Use of Pv Solar Panels for Irrigation in Sorghum Bicolor Cultivation. How Can Solar Energy Help to Reduce Carbon Footprint of Energy Crops?
Uses of a Water-Algae-Photo-Bio-Scrubber for Syngas Upgrading and Purification
Utilization of Biogas to Provide Process Heat for Industrial Manufacturing Processes
Valorising Side Streams in Circular Animal Feed and Additives: Opportunities and Challenges
Valorization of Dry Orange Peel Residues by Gasification Process
Valorization of Wheat Straw Hemicellulose to Obtain High Value Added Compounds
Weekday Continuous Gasification Test for Supercritical Water Gasification Treatment Business for Schochu (Japanese Popular Distilled Liquor) Distilleries
Well To Wheel - A Case Study of Usage of Beema Bamboo as a Sustainable Energy Source
Wooden Saw Pyrolysis in Screw Reactor
Woody Biomass Potential Estimation Based on the Wood Flow in Japan