European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
ISSN 2282-5819
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List of articles 2017
Increasing Energy Efficiency of an Agro-Industrial Integrated Process through Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Slaughterhouse Waste Water and Farm Manure
Modelling Tar Conversion on SOFC Anodes
60 h DSS Supercritical Water Gasification for Residue of Shochu (Japanese Distilled Liquor)
A Combined Process of Acid Extraction and Pyrolysis of Manure to Recover Phosphorus and Obtain Solid Adsorbents
A Complete 1-D Model For Biomass Torrefaction Process and Results Validations Referred to an Experimantal Scale Reactor
A Four-Step Gasification-Combustion Process for the Clean Conversion of MSW
A New Machine for Unloading Fresh Biomass from Silo-Bags
A New Value Chain for Rubber and Inulin Production in the European BioEconomy
A Preliminary Analysis on the Potential Bioenergy Production from Agro-Forestry Crops and Residues in Angola
A Spatially Explicit Comparison between the Vertebrate Species Richness of Pine Plantations and that of Other Land-Cover Classes in the Southeastern United States
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Formation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTX/PAH) as Soot Precursors from Biomass Pyrolysis Products
A Thermochemical Approach Based on Phase Diagrams to Characterize Biomass Ash and Select the Optimal Thermal Conversion Technology
Activated Carbon Production from Wood Based Panels Waste and its Application as an Additive of Urea Formaldehyde Resin
Affordable and Clean Energy: Addressing Project Development Challenges for the Production of Solid Biofuels from Woody Biomass for Heat and Power
Agricultural and Forest Residues in Peru: Potential for Bioenergy Use
Algae Conversion to Hydrogen and Power by Integration of Drying, Gasification, and Chemical Looping Combustion
Alkaline Peroxide Oxidation Pretreatment of Corn Cob and Rice Husks for Bioconversion into Bio-Commodities: Part B-Enzymatic Convertibility of Pretreated Corn Cob to Reducing Sugar
An Approach for Incorporating Sustainability in Early Stages of Biorefinery Design
An Innovative GPS System for the Improvement of Work Time Study in the Agroenergy Sector
Anaerobic Co-digestion of Donkey Manure (DM) with Vegetable Waste (VW) for Optimum Biogas Production
Anaerobic Digestion of Energy Beets
Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste
Analysis of a Transformation Process of Vineyard Pruning into Chips by a Micro Plant
Analysis of Biomass Chars Thermal Decomposition: Experimental Tests and Modelling in N
and CO
Anticipating Climate Change Effect on Biomass Productivity and Vegetation Structure of Mediterranean Forests to Promote the Sustainability of the Wood Energy Supply Chain
Aquatic Weeds as Biomass Source: the Harvesting Technique in North Italy
Ash Removal from Ash-Rich Biomass and Sludge: the BiAR Process
Aspects of the Forest-Wood Sector and Bioenergy Production
Assessing A Bioeconomy Network from an Integrated Life Cycle Perspective
Assessing Possible Emission Reductions in the Energy Mix: Unconventional Gas or Miscanthus Biomass?
Assessing the Effects of Different Amounts of Sugarcane Straw on Temportal Variability of Soil Moisture Content and Temperature
Assessing the Heat and Energy Balances of Hydrochar Production via Hydrothermal Carbonization of Olive Pomace
Assessment of Syngas Produced by Gasification with Air of Vine Prunings Through a Downdraft Reactor
Assessment of Biogas Production Pathways: Application to Portugal
Assessment of Citrus Wastes Gasification through a Fluidized Bed Reactor: Experimental Analysis for Integration in an Existing Citrus Juice Industry
Assessment of Optimal Plant Density for Switchgrass Transplants Obtained by the Float System
Assessment of Shrub Biomass Availability and Environmental Impacts of its Mechanical Harvesting for Energy Purposes: a Methodological Approach in the Mediterranean
Benchmarking Different Treatment Methods for Organic Municipal Solid Waste
Bereal - Method for Pellet Stoves: Field Test and Round Robin
Bio-Oil Production from Palm-Oil Industry Residues Employing Conventional and Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Biobattery: Integration of Thermo-Catalytic Reforming, Pressure Swing Adsorption and Hydrodeoxygenation for the Production of 100% Green Fuels, Biochar, Heat and Power
Biocoal for a Cleaner Environment and New Business in South Savo
Biocompatibility Profiling of Molten Inorganic Zinc Chloride Pre-Treatment Medium Using Corn Cob as Carbon Source
Biodiesel Production from High Acid Value Waste Cooking Oil Using Supercritical Methanol: Esterification Kinetics of Free Fatty Acids
BioEconomy with Algae - Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Including Biophysical Climate Impacts (Albedo) of an Algae-based Biorefinery
Bioenergy Integration in Ethanol Plants: an Alternative End Use for Biogas to Enable 2G Ethanol Production
Bioenergy Policies and Status of Implementation
Bioenergy Sustaining the Future and ERA-NET Bioenergy Results
Bioenergy Villages. Establishing Regional Bioenergy Concepts in Southeast Europe to Speed-up the Market Uptake of Sustainable Bioenergy
Bioethanol Production by Crude Glycerol Fermentation
Biogas Biorefinery: Techno-Economic Analysis of Several Paths
Biogas Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines in South Africa
Biogas Technology as a Part of Wastewater Treatment in the Future
Biogas Yield of the Residues from the Cardoon Seeds Milling: Results of the Preliminary Laboratory Experimentations
Biomass Accident Investigations - Missed Opportunities for Learning and Accident Prevention
Biomass Demand Point Location Analyzer at Regional Level Agent-Based Simulation
Biomass Gasification and BioSNG Production: Use of Sorbents for Simultaneous H
Enrichment and CO
Removal for the Conditioning of Gas Composition
Biomass Gasification Char as a Low-Cost Adsorbent for CO2 Capture
Biomass Gasification in Downdraft Dual Stage Reactor by Experimental Analysis and Simulation with CFD Tools
Biomass Heat Scenarios in Germany
Biomass Pyrolysis With Bio-Oil Recycle to Increase Energy Recovery in Biochar
Biomass Residues as Electricity Generation Source in Low HDI Regions of Brazil
Biomass, Land-Use Changes and Environmental Impacts: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review of Scientific Literature
Biomethane as Sustainable and Renewable Fuel (BIOSURF) - Sustainable Raw Material Supply for Biomethane - A Cross-Sectoral Sustainability Criteria and Indicators Discussion
Bioplastics and Biofuels from Urban Organic Waste
Biorefinery: A Critical Technical Review
BIOrescue: Enhanced Bioconversion of Agricultural Residues through Cascading Use
Black Rice Straw as a Feedstock for the Extraction of Anthocyanin and Sugars in a Combined Biorefinery
Blends of Pyrolysis Oil and Crude Glycerin
Boosting Water Protection Efficiency by Means of Biofilters in Forestry
Brazilian Sugarcane Expansion and Deforestation
Brazilian Sugarcane Expansion and the Impacts on Water Resources: An Overview
Breeding New Variety of Camelina Sativa Adapted to Temperate Continental Climate
Building Up Local Bioenergy Value Chains Based on Fruit Tree Residues from Pruning and Uprooting Operations: The Boosting Role of Regional Stakeholder Networks
Bush Encroachment in Namibia - Turning an Environmental Hazard into a Socio-Economic Opportunity
Can Lignocellulosic Biomass Reconcile Agricultural Productivity, the Bioeconomy and Climate Change Mitigation in the EU?
CARBOWERT: Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrothermal Carbonization Concepts Producing Char for Energetic and Material Use
Catalytic Effect of Potassium Carbonate on Condensable Species Released During Wood Torrefaction
CFD Simulation of a Small-Scale Up-Draft Co-Gasification of Wood Pellet and Charcoal with Experimental Verification
Char Conversion Characterized by Synchrotron Based X-ray Micro-Tomography and SEM-EDS Analysis
Characterisation of the Char Obtained from Biomass Gasification in a Spouted Bed Reactor
Characterization of Brazilian Sugarcane Bagasse and Sugarcane Straw Based on European Methodologies to Evaluate the Potential for Energy Conversion
Characterization of Light and Heavy Phase of Pyrolysis-Oil from Distinct Biomass for Further Upgrading Reactions
Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Biomass - Performance of Ilmenite and Braunite as Oxygen Carrier Materials
Chemical-Looping Combustion of Biomass in a 100 kW Pilot
Closing the Loop: Chemical Composition and Economics of Building Blocks/Monomers from Indirect Gasification of Waste
CO Hydrogenation to Alcohols over SBA-15 Supported Fe, Co, and Cu: Binary vs Ternary Catalysts
Co-combustion of Coal and Biomass - Combustion Characteristics, Fouling and Bed Agglomeration Tendency
Co-Firing of Straw with Electrodynamic Process Control for Clean and Effective Energy Production
Co-firing Test of Sugar Cane Harvesting Residues (RAC) with Coal and Pith in a Large-Scale Boiler
Combining Harvest Date and Cutting Height to Optimize the Sustainability of Miscanthus Production for Energy in the Mediterranean Region
Common Goods - A New Concept for Land Management
Comparative Analyses of Current Biobased Economy Policies and Strategic India - EU Partnership
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass Utilization for Electricity Generation in the European Union and the United States
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Torrefied Pellet Production from Five Lignocellulosic Biomass Types
Comparative Study Concerning Anaerobic Fermentation of Degraded Cereals
Compared Performance of Trickle-Bed and Fluidized Bed Bioreactors for Syngas Bio-Upgrading into RNG
Comparison Between Equilibrium and Kinetic Models with Aspen Plus for a Full Scale Biomass Downdraft Gasifier
Comparison of Different Methods to Determine the Solids Content for MSW Characterization
Comparison of Sweet Sorghum, Giant Reed and Poplar as Soil Nitrate Scavengers with Cattle Manure Application
Composting of Different Agricultural By-Products with Raw Digestate: Preliminary Considerations about Technical Feasibility
Conceptual and Practical Implementation of Integrated Flexible Biogas-Intermittent RE-Battery Storage for Reliable and Secure Power Supply to Meet Actual Load Demand at Optimal Cost
Conceptual Description of an Integrated Biomass Logistics Centre (IBLC)
Continuous Cultivation of Microalgae as an Efficient Method to Improve Carbohydrate Productivity and Biochemical Stability
Contributing to a Jatropha-Based Biorefinery: Seed Cake Valorisation for BioH2
Contribution to Sustainability of Cogeneration and CO2 Compression Stages in Lignocellulosic Biorefineries for Bioethanol Production
Conversion of Food Waste into Energy: Impact of Thermal Pre-Treatment on Hydrogen and Methane Production
Cost-Effective Utilisation of Horse Manure for Energy Production in Finland
Coupled Ventilation and Flue Gas Heat Exchanger System for Use in Low Energy Dwellings: an Investigation Using Dynamic Energy Simulations
Crystal-Plane Effect of Ceria on the Activity of Au/CeO2 for Preferential CO Oxidation
Crystal-Plane Effect of Ceria on the Activity of CuO/CeO
for Oxidative Steam Reforming of Methanol
Cyclic Adsorption and Desorption of Methane and Carbon Dioxide on Coconut Shell Activated Carbon
Degradation of Soil Amendments Produced from Municipal Organic Waste Digestate During a Two-Year Field Study
Demand-Driven Biogas Production in Full-Scale by Model Predictive Feed Control
Depolymerization of Lignin: Product Characterization and Evaluation of its Antioxidant Potential
Description of a Comprehensive Mathematical Model: Towards a Comprehensive Biomass Particle Gasification Model
Developing Targets for Global Land Use
Development and Validation of a Combined 1D-Fuel-Bed- and 3D-CFD-Model for the Simulation of Moving Grate Boilers
Development of a Highly Efficient Micro-Scale CHP System Based on Fuel-Flexible Gasification and a SOFC
Development of a Highly Efficient, Compact Size Micro-CHP Plant for the Use of Various Biomass Fuels and Operational Experience
Development of a Multi-Stage Biomass Gasification Technology to Produce Quality Gas
Development of a New Micro CHP Pellet Stove Technology
Development of an Innovative Low-Cost/Low-Emission Pellet-Based Stove Technology
Development of Forest Chips Use and Price in the Nordic Countries: A Comparative Analysis
Developmentof a Model to Predict the Grate Burning Profile of Biomass Derived Char
Duckweed as Innovative Feedstock for Biogas Production - A Comparison of Two Fermenter Concepts
Dynamic assessment of Waste-to-Energy Schemes in Current European Landfill-Dominant Regions
Economic Evalutation of Bio-Waste Based Biogas Digestates as Influenced by Post-Treatment Methods
Effect of a Fuel Terminal on the Quality of Runoff
Effect of Biochar on Water Retention in Soil, a Comparison between Two Forms: Powder and Pellet
Effect of Composted Biomass Moisture on Pelleted Fertilizers from Swine Manure Solid Fraction
Effect of Feedstock Heating Rate on Supercritical Water Gasification of Glucose and Guaiacol Mixture
Effect of Promoter LA2O3 on NI/AL2O3 Catalysts in the Steam Reforming of Volatiles Derived from Biomass Pyrolysis
Effect of Serial Subculturing on the Adaptive Potential of Dunaliella Salina Strain KU11
Effect of Wood Pre-Treatment on Operating Conditions, Gaseous and Particulate Emissions During Combustion in a Pellet Stove - First Analytical Campaign
Effective System Integration of Decentralised Biomass Cogeneration Plants
Effects of Alkaline and Beating Pretreatment on Anaerobic Digestion of Distillery Co-Products
Effects of Substituents on the Initial Pyrolysis Mechanism of Beta-O-4 Type Lignin Dimer Model Compounds
Efficient Fractionation of Corn Stover by Organosolv Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of the Obtained Cellulosic Residue
Efficient Small-Scale Biogas Upgrading Plants - Potential Analysis and Economic Assessment
Efficient Way to Produce Biofuel from Municipal Solid Waste
Emissions and Performance of a Diesel Engine Fuelled with Blends of Diesel and Biodiesel Additivated with Bio-Oil
Enabling Solid Biomass Fired Small Scale Cogeneration Systems with the Twin Screw Wet Steam Expander Technology
Energetic Analysis of Innovative Hybrid Biomass/Solar Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) for Micro-scale CHP Applications
Energetic Potential of Tropical Biomasses
Energy Crops: Herbaceous Perennial in Production with Different Fertilizers in the Center of Spain
Energy Potential from Buckwheat Husks Through a Thermochemical and Biochemical Approaches
Energy Production from Chicken Manure by Pyrolysis and Torrefaction
Enhanced Fatty Acid Generation from Meat Processing Dissolved Air Flotation Sludge
Environmental and Economic Performance of Cereal Straw End-Practices
Environmental Education Related to Municipal Solid Waste at ABC Region (Brazil)
Environmental Impact of an Integrated Biorefinery Model Processing Cardoon
Evaluation of a Pilot-Scale Continuous Tubular Reactor for Pretreatment of Agave Bagasse
Evaluation of Acoustic Enhancement in an Hybrid Water/Fire Tube Boiler's Furnace Burning Eucalyptus
Evaluation of Bio-char Based Products as Hydrotreating Catalysts for the Production of Renewable Fuel
Evaluation of GHG Emissions and Energy Balances of Innovative Aviation Biofuel Pathways
Evaluation of Low-Cost Enhanced Biodigesters for Public Use in Rural Societies in Colombia
Evaluation of New Perennial Grasses for Biomass Production Italy
Evaluation of the Combustion Behaviour of Straw, Poplar and Maize in a Small-Scale Biomass Boiler
Evaluation of the Present State and Prospects for Energy and Energy Carrier Production from Biomass in Poland
Experiences of Pilot Scale Cyclone Pyrolysis
Experimental and Numerical Calculations of Two Stage Combustion Process of Syngas Fuels with High Content of Ammonia
Experimental Estimation of the Heat Requirements of Biomass Pyrolysis Under Self-Generated Atmosphere
Experimental Evaluation of Interactions between K, Ca and P and Mn/Si-based Oxygen Carriers
Experimental Optimization of an Innovative Biogas Upgrading Process Adapted to the Agricultural Context
Experimental Results and Parametric Analysis of Wood, Torrefied and Coffee Grounds Pellets Gasification Carried Out on a Pilot Plant Reactor
Experimental Study on the Biomass-biomass Co-combustion for Reducing NOx in a Fluidized-bed Combustor: A Comparison between the Co-firing Techniques
Fast Pyrolysis of Pine Wood at Pre-Industrial Scale: Yields and Products Chemical-Physical Characterisation
Feasibility Study of a Pyrolysis Conversion Plant for Heat and Power Production with Sewage Sludge as Feedstock - Mass and Energy Balance
Fertilizers and Soil Improving Products Made of Biowaste Digestates: Results from Pot Experiments with Avena Sativa L. and Brassica Napus L.
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis - Effects of Feedstock Load Changes Regarding Product Quality and Catalyst Attrition
Flexible Biogas Plants as Servant for Power Provision Systems with High Shares of Renewables: Contributions to the Reduction of the Residual Load in Germany
Fostering Sustainable Feedstock Production for Advanced Biofuels on Underutilised Land in Europe
From Green Forest to Green Commodity Chemicals - Experiences from Cross-Sector Collaboration and Consequences for Implementation
From Irrigated to Rainfed Agriculture in a Mediterranean Environment: the Shift in Biomass Yield of the Arundo Crop over the Seasons
Future Market Share Estimation of Renewable Gas in Germany Using a System Dynamics Modelling Approach
Gasification of Anaerobic Digestate from Mix of Biomass Residues, Manures and MSW to Combined Heat and Power Production
Gasification of Pine Forest Residues as First Stage for the Production of Jet Fuel Via Fischer-Tropsch
Genetic Diversity of Elephantgrass Ecotypes for Bioenergy Production
GIS-based Optimization Model for the Smart Design of a Nationwide Bio-SNG Production System for Ireland
Global IP Strategies for Procuring and Protecting Green Innovations: a Focus on Europe, Brazil, China, and the US
Global Wood Pellet Industry and Market - Current Developments and Outlook
Grass Biomass as Biofuel Feedstock-Sustainable or Not?
Grass from Landscaping Measures in Biogas Production - A Systems Analytical Approach
Harvesting Techniques of Jatropha Curcas, L., and Economic Sustainability
Heavy Metals Partitioning during Thermal Conversion of Sewage Sludge in a Fluidized Bed under Conditions Relevant for Pyrolysis and Gasification
High Quality Fuel by Steam Explosion
Household Time Requirements for Producing Cooking Fuels in Rural Areas in Developing Nations
How are the EU Member States Contributing to the 27% Target for EU's Renewable Energy Consumption - the Role of Woody Biomass
Hydrogen Production from Biomass via Gasification Process: the Results of the EU UNIfHY Project
Hydrothermal Decomposition of Wastes Resulting from the Agro-Industrial Activities under Liquid and Supercritical Water Conditions
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Raw and Lipid-Extracted Microalgae with Assist of Pulsed Electric Field Pretreatment
Hydrotreating of Bio-Oils from Thermo-Catalytic Reforming - A Novel Biorefining Route to Renewable Chemicals and Fuels
Identification of Energy Hubs for the Exploitation of Residual Biomass in an Area of Western Sicily
IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme
Impact of Alternative Forest Biomass Demand and Supply Scenarios on Regional Economy in Finland
Impact of the Blending Method on the Melting Characteristics of Ashes of Biomass Blends
Improving Sustainability of Maize to Ethanol Processing by Plant Breeding and Process Optimization
Indirect Analysis of a Moving Grate Furnace: Flue Gas Moisture Sensing and Faulty Conditions on Packed Bed
Influence of Outdoor Storage of Shrub Biomass on Emissions and Slagging During its Combustion
Influence of Road Salt on Chemical Properties of Road Side Biomass
Influence of Sulfur Components on the Catalytic Mixed Alcohol Synthesis Based on Wood Gas Derived from Biomass Steam Gasification
Influence of the Particle Size Distribution and Water Content on the Energy Comsumption of Milling Sorghum and Bamboo
Influence of the Stoichiometric Ratio on Tar Composition during Fluidized Bed Gasification
Influence of the Type of Mill on the Energy Comsumption of Milling Biomass: Comparison of 2 Different Mills
Innovative Biomass Conversion in Africa
Innovative Flexible Grate Solutions for Future Biomass Combustion Appliances
Innovative System for Industrial Hemp Harvesting
Integrated Utilisation Pathways for Biogenic Carbon Dioxide in Biomass Driven Industry Sectors
Integrating Power-to-Gas into Sugarcane Ethanol Industry: A Mobility Oriented Optimization
Investigation and Optimization of the Mixing in a Biogas Digester with a Laboratory Experiment and an Artificial Model Substrate
Investigation of Ammonia Removal from the Simulated Producer Gas of Biomass Gasification by H2-Reduced Titanomagnetite
Investigation of Conglomerates in the Fuel Bed and Deposits on Heat Exchanger Tubes in a Fluidized Bed Pilot Plant
Investigations on the Formation and Classification of Slags from Combustion Chambers of BMHP Plants
Kinetic Study of Supercritical Water Gasification in the Mixture of Glucose, Xylose, and Guaiacol
Large Scale Utility CFB Technology in Worlds Largest Greenfield 100% Biomass Power Plant
Life Cycle Approach for Energy and Environmental Analysis of Biomass and Coal Co-Firing in Different Large Scale Co-Generation Units
Life Cycle Assessment of Climate Impact of Bioenergy from a Landscape
Logistical Case Study for the Aragón Region Using the Locagistics Tool
Low-Temperature Corrosion in Biomass-Fired Combustion Plants - Online Measurement of Corrosion Rates, Acid Dew Points and Deliquescence Corrosion
Measurements of Full Combustion-Cycle Emissions from Peat and Wood in a Domestic Stove
Mechanical Extraction and Recovery of Rootstoks from End Life Vineyard to Produce Bioenergy
Methanation-Enhanced Gasification - Design of a High Pressure Gasification Reactor to Investigate and Boost the Biomass to SNG Conversion Efficiency
Methane Emissions from Small Scale Appliances Burning Wood and Pellets
Micro-Algae Cultivation by Enriched CO2 from Diesel Tri-Generation System with Selective CCS and Direct Biofuel Conversion from Wet Micro-Algae by Super-Heated Methanol Vapor Method
Microalgal Species Prospecting from Different Ecological Habitats in Algeria
Microwave Pre-Processing of Biomass Pellets for Cleaner Heat Energy Production
MIMO Modelling of a Moving Grate Furnace by Finite Impulse Response Filters
Model-Based Assessment of Partially Upgraded Biogas and the Decentralized Utilization for Mobility in Agriculture
Modelling of a Small Scale Energy Conversion System Based on an Open Top Gasifier Coupled with a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine
Modelling of Biomass Combustion Chemistry to Investigate Gas Phase Alkali Sulphate Formation
Monitoring Material Flows of a Bioeconomy Region
Monitoring of Fugitive Methane Emissions from Biogas Plants
Mono-Fermentation of Chicken Manure: Competing with Ammonia Inhibition and a High Content of Inorganic Solids
Multi-Phase Fluid Dynamic of Syngas Flow Across a Throttle Body in a Gasifier-Engine System
Multi-stage Semi-dry Anaerobic Digestion of OFMSW and Cattle Manure Improved by Natural Zeolites
Municipal Waste Heating Value Modelling Using Computational and Mathematical Techniques
New CFD Based Model for the Design and Optimisation of Porous Burners for Biomass Combustion Plants
New Opportunities for Optimized Infeed of Straw for Combustion and Bioethanol Production
New Pseudo-components of Hemicellulose and Lignin
Nitrogen Assessment in Small Scale Biomass Heating Systems
Numerical Analysis for the Low-Emission Dual Fuel Combustion in a Boiler Type OP-230
Numerical Combustion Studies of Pyrolysis Bio-Oil from Torrefied Coconut Endocarp
Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Paddle Wheel Movement on the Flow Field of High Rate Micro Algae Open Pond
Numerical Simulation of Devolatilization of Wood Logs and Pressure Generation in the Wood Log Center
Olive Mill Leaves as a Raw Material in a Biorefinery Approach. Comparison of Sugar Recoveries after Delignification by Alkaline-Peroxide and Organosolv Pretreatments
Online Balancing of a Pilot Scale Fast Pyrolysis Plant
Operational and Design Parameters of Microalgae Cultivation Systems for its Application in Industrial Scale
Optimization of the Combustion of Vegetable Oils in a Semi-Industrial Boiler
Optimization of Waste Management Scenarios by Principal Component Analysis: a Case Study in Reunion Island
Organic Fraction Centesimal Composition Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste from Municipal Landfill of Santo André Aiming the Energy Application by Anaerobic Digestion
Organosolv Treated Barley Straw for Industrial Liquid Waste Cleaning
Paving the Way for a Next Generation Biobutanol (ButaNexT)
Perennial Grasses: Biomass Quality and Yield Comparison of Different Species in the Northern Great Plains of the United States
Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludge and Manure
Physical and Thermal Properties of Briquette Fuel from Sugarcane Bagasse and Straw Using Vinasse as a Binder
Pilot Plant Air-Steam Gasification of Nut Shells for Syngas Production
Poplar Short-Rotation Coppice in Southern Italy
Possibilities of Creating Fossil Free Region - Case South Savo
Possibilities of Producing Energy from Horse Manure by Burning
Potential Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Using Biomass Combustion Ash
Potential of a Machine Vision-Based Combustion Monitoring System in Optimizing Step-Grate Biomass Combustion
Power Generation Based on Agricultural Residues Gasification: the Potential of Corncobs
Pre-Treatment of Biomass by Rolling - a Combined Experimental and Numerical Analysis
Prediction of Lower Heating Value of Wastes of Santo Andre Using Multivariate Regression
Preliminary Evaluation of the Performances of a Purpose Designed Machine for Grass Harvesting and Pre-processing in Orchards, Vineyards and Uncultivated Areas
Producing Single Phase Fast Pyrolysis Oils from Straw by Staged Condensation
Product Distribution and Heat for Pyrolysis of Dry Sewage Sludge
Production of Antioxidant Additives for Biodiesel Using Residues from Wine Industry
Production of High Purity Lignin from Rapeseed Meal Using a Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Process
Production of Value-Added Chemicals through Glycerol Aqueous Phase Reforming Using Ni-based Catalysts: Influence of Operating Conditions
Promoting Energy Efficiency in Finland South Savo Region's Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Properties of Biochar Produced by Slow Pyrolysis of Stabilized Sewage Sludge
Pure and Mixed Perennial Biomass Crops for a Constraint Marginal Land in North-Central Spain (a 6-Year Study)
Pyrolysis and In-Line Reforming of Biomass: Effect of Catalyst Deactivation on Hydrogen Production
Pyrolysis and The Price of Carbon. The Value of Biochar
Pyrolysis Kinetics of Wet-Torrefied Forest Residues
Pyrolysis of Digested and Non-Digested Manure. A Comparative Study
Pyrolysis of Residual Biomass via Thermo-Catalytic Reforming - Experimental Investigation of Sewage Sludge
Quality Guidelines of Wood Chips and Hog Fuels - Applying International Solid Biofuels Standards
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Alternative and Renewable Second Generation Solid Biofuels - Development and Validation
Quantitative and Qualitative Biomass Production Potential of Giant Reed Mutants under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions
Real Scale Biomass Burning of Miscanthus Grown on Contaminated Site
Recirculation of Reactive Fines - an Optimization Strategy for Existing Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Systems
Recovery of Butanol from Abe Fermentation Broth by Gas Stripping: Process Simulation and Techno-Economic Evaluation
Reduction of Particle Emissions from Wood Combustion Exhaust Gases with High Particle Number and Mass Concentrations
Regional Added Value of Refining Forest Biomass for Energy Purposes in Finland
Regional Biomass Potentials from Airborne Laser Scanning Data, Case South-East Finland
Reliable Bio-based Refinery Intermediates - BioMates
Research Facility Assessment for Biomass Combustion in Moving Grate Furnaces
Response of the Energy Grass Giant Reed to Three Harvest Strategies: Crop Growth Rate and Dry Matter Yield
Sapropel and Lime as Binders for Development of Composite Materials
Self-Propelled Biomass Harvester Machine for Pruning Residues Removal and Pre-Processing in Orchards and Vineyards
Separation of Salts During the Gasification of Spent Grain in Supercritical Water
Sepiolite Performance as Bed Material Towards Gas and Tar Compositions During C. Cardunculus L. Gasification
Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis in an Indirectly Heated Rotary Kiln: Primary Measures for Tar Reduction
Short Rotation Woody Crops: Experiences from the EU Project SRCplus
Simulation of a Polygeneration Process for the Generation of Hydrogen, H
, and District Heat via Sorption Enhanced Reforming of Wood Chips
Simulation of Flow and Design of Agitated Large-Volume Biorectors
Simulation Tool for a Quick Evaluation of Molecules as Gasoline Alternatives - A Case Study with Bio-Oil Derived Compounds in Biorefineries
Simulation-Based Assessment of the Properties and Performance of a Biomass Terminal
Slagging Prevention and Plant Optimisation by Means of Numerical Simulation
Smart Regional Planning: Unlocking Innovative Resource Use and Economic Competitiveness - A Look at Biomass Energy Infrastructure Provision at Local Municipal Scale in eThekwini and iLembe, South Africa
Socio-economic Assessment including Feedstock Supply and Marketability Concept of HTC/HTL-Products
Solid Superacidic and Superbasic Catalysts for Enhanced Biodiesel Production through Sequential Esterification and Transesterification
Sorption Enhanced Reforming with the Novel Dual Fluidized Bed Test Plant at TU Wien
Strengthening the Food Security Provisions in Biofuel Sustainability Certification
Study of the Production of Pelletized Biofuels from Mediterranean Scrub Biomass
Sugarcane Straw Upgrading by Water Washing and Roasting for its Use as a Solid Biofuel
Supply-Side Perspectives on the Euro-American Pellet Trade
Sustainable Biomass Production on Marginal Lands (SEEMLA)
Tailored Functionalization of Waste Hardwood Lignocelluloses For Making Recycled Polymer-Based Composites
Tar Removal from Biomass Producer Gas by Using Biochar
Tar Removal from Syngas with Natural Zeolites from Tuffs: Wet Scrubbing and Catalytic Cracking
Technical and Economic Feasibility of Combusting Biocarbon in Small Scale Pellet Boilers
Technical Characterization of Colombian Agroindustry Residues for Termochemical Conversion in Fluidized Bed Reactors
Technical Production Process for Innovative Antioxidants using Novel Enzymes as Biocatalyst
Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis of Global Biomass Supply Chains for Germany - Exemplified by a Case Study for Ethanol from Brazil
Techno-Economic Optimisation of Combined Anaerobic Digestion and Gasification of Food Waste as Part of an Integrated Waste Management and Energy System
The Bio2energy Project: Bioenergy, Biofuels and Bioproducts from Municipal Solid Waste and Sludge
The Biomethane Map - Research Coordination for a Low-Cost Biomethane Production at Small and Medium Scale Applications
The Challenge of Lignin as a Chemical Resource
The Combination of Biomass with Solar Thermal Energy and other Renewables for Small Heating Grids: The Coolheating Project
The Effect of Fatty Acid Structures on Product Distribution of Catalytic Cracking of Vegetables Oils
The Energetic Recover of Biomass from River Maintenance: the REBAF Project
The Global Bioenergy Partnership Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy
The Occupational Health Effects of Torrefied Biocoal Pellets
The Paris - Lifestyle - Analysis and Assessment of Biomass Use for Low Carbon Lifestyles to Reach the Climate Targets 2050
The Role of Aerosols from Biomass Combustion
The Role of Inorganics in Modelling of Biomass Gasification
The Use of Fast Pyrolysis Oil in Diesel Engines for CHP Applications
The Use of Natural Gas Blends with Syngas from Biomass in Gas Micro Turbines. Thermal Performance and Emissions Tests
The Use of Open Sorption Technology for Heat Recovery in Biomass Combustion Applications
Thermal Conversion of Lignin-Rich Residues from Lignocellulose Biorefining: from Thermogravimetry to Updraft Gasification
Torrefaction Analysis of Woody Biomasses from Fast-Growing Plantations of Costa Rica
Trade of Energy Biomass - an Overview of the Global Status
Two Decades of Intermediate Pyrolysis: a Major Step Towards CHP Applicable Bio-Oils
Two-Step Pyrolysis of Biomass to Enhance the Chemical Stability of Pyrolytic Liquids
Two-Year Old Giant Reed Ecotypes Adaptation to Drought
Understanding Biomass Ignition in Power Plant Mills
Understanding Effect of Sugar Composition on Growth Kinetics: Fermentation of Glucose and Xylose by Clostridium Acetobutylicum ATCC 824
Upgrading of Pyrolysis Chars in Syngas Purification: Characterization and Implementation in a Fixed Bed Column
Upscaling and Operation of a Biomass-Derived Fischer-Tropsch Pilot Plant Producing One Barrel per Day
Use of a Flexible Bar in Stony Soil
Use of Experimental Catalysts for Production of Bio-Methane from Biomass: Tests of Methanation with Real Syngas and Performance Evaluations
Using Paddle Dryer Apparatus to Perform Enzymatic Hydrolysis on Steam Pretreated Wheat Straw at High Solids Loading
Vacuum Technology for Woodchips Drying
Valorisation of Black Liquor Carbohydrates by Means of Haloalkaline Microorganisms
Valorization of Solid Residues from Anaerobic Digestion through Thermal and Hydrothermal Carbonization Processes
Valorization Pathways for Char from Small Scale Gasification Systems in South-Tyrol: The Next Generation Project
Value Enhancement of Microalgae Utilization Employing Mild Extraction and Hydrothermal Liquefaction for Protein and Bio-Crude Production
Vapor-Phase Reactions of Cellulose Gasification
Vegetative Propagation of Ulmus Pumila L. by Stem Cuttings with a View to the Development of Bred Lines for Woody Biomass Plantations
Warren-Spring Based Model for the Cohesion and the Yield Locus of Cohesive Biomass Powders
Well To Wheel Energy Analysis of Biomass Pellets Made from Agro Waste 'Village Level Entrepreneurship' in India
Well-To-Tank Data for Advanced Tailor-Made Biofuel Alternatives
Woody Biomass for Energy Use from Residues and Waste of Forest Utilisations and Pruning Woody Crops in Italy