European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
ISSN 2282-5819
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List of articles 2018
"Mediterranean" Solid Biofuels from Agro-Industrial Residues in Greece: Market Status and Prospectives for the Domestic Heating Sector
1D Model for Investigation of Energy Consumption and Wear in Die Designs Used for Biomass Pelleting
A Comparative Assessment of Current and Future Fuels for the Transport Sector
A Modelling Based Study on the Integration of Indirect Biomass Gasification, Methanol and Power Production
A Novel Cost Management Strategy for SELEXOL Syngas Purification Process
A Novel Process for the Complete Hydrothermal Gasification of Sucrose
A Review on the Biorefinery Options under Research in Europe: Market Study of Potential Products, Technology TRLs and Research Infrastructures
A Small-scale ESP for Reduction of Particulate Matter Emissions from Residential Wood Stoves - Evaluation of Different Discharge Electrodes
A Village-Based Integrated Biorefinery Model for Rural Areas
Adaptions of Harvesting Methods and Concepts in order to Reduce Weeds on Agricultural Fields and to Gain Potentially a So Far Unexploited Biomass Feedstock
Adsorption of H
S on Residual Biomass Gasification Char
Advanced Renewable Gasoline from Waste Biomass - Experimental Investigation of a Novel Transportation Fuel
Agrochains - Supply Chains of Green Residues for Bioenergy Exploitation
Alternative Aviation Fuels: Assessment of Supply Potential in the EU
An Environmental Assessment of Biorefining of Rubber Dandelion to Rubber and Bioplastic
Anaerobic Digestion of Different Organic Feedstocks by Continuous Bioreactors
Anaerobic Digestion of Waste of Coffee Production and Damaged Sunflower Seeds
Analysis of Syngas Production via Sorption Enhanced Chemical Looping Biomass Gasification
Application of Steel Industry Slags as Novel Cost Efficient Catalysts in Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass
Assessing the Risk Appetite of EU Bioenergy and Unconventional Gas Shareholders on Regulatory Changes
Assessment of a Novel Biomass-Coal Gasification-Based System for Hydrogen and Power Co-Generation Integrated with Chemical Looping Technology
Assessment of Biomass Resources for an Integrated Biomass Logistics Center (IBLC) Operating in the Olive Oil Sector
Assessment of Four Ways of Gas Purification by Biomass Gasification
Assessment of Organic Micropollutants (PCDD/FS and PCBS) from Biomass Combustion in a Small CHP Facility
Assessment of Syngas Produced from Gasification of Olive Tree Pruning in a Downdraft Reactor
Assessment of the Potential of Green Floating Filters for Bioenergy Production
Best Available Technologies for Pruning Harvesting
Best Available Technologies to Harvest Cereal Chaff
Biochar Application on the Energy Grass Giant Reed: Yield and Nitrogen Uptake
Bioenergy and other High-Value Products to Enhance Soil Fertility and Mitigate Climate Change: the WOOD-UP Project on Woody Biomass Gasification in South-Tyrol
Bioenergy Integration and Optimisation by Thermal Network Analysis (THENA)
Biofuel from Marine Microalgae (Indian Species) Marine Environment to Lab and Lab to Land Technology
Biogas Production from Biological Methanation of Syngas
Biogas Production in Integrated 1st and 2nd Generation Sugarcane Biorefineries: Energy and Economic Prospects
Biological Methanation in a Trickle-bed Reactor
Biomass Conversion with a Fluidized Bed-Fired Stirling Engine in a Micro-Scale CHP Plant
Biomass for Farming Use from Orchard Pruning and Src in Sicily
Biomass for Heat Generation and Wastewater Management in the Agri-Food Sector - Are Circular Economy Benefits Realised?
Biomass of Fruit Trees as Pruning of Raw Material for Obtaining Pellets Biofuel
Biomass Production and Feedstock Diversification for Advanced Biofuels: the Becool Project
Biomass Quality of Different Species after Storage
Biomass Supply Chains Development in Rural Areas: How to Take Public Stakeholders' Needs and Expectations into Account?
Biorefining of Eucalyptus Biomass Using Gamma-Valerolacetone
BIOrescue: Getting High Added Value Products from Mushroom Compost
Biosyngas for Electricity Generation Using Fuel Cells - A Gas Quality Assessment
Biotechnology to Investigate the Microbial Community Responsible of Biogas Production from Biomass
Blast Furnace Emission Reduction Potential by Charcoal Injection
Boosting Biogas with Hydrolytic Enzymes - Effect of Cellulase Pretreatment of Wheat Straw on Sugar Release, Onset and Ultimate Gas Production
Bringing Agro-Biomass to Reality: Keys for New Sustainable Value Chains Based on Agricultural Pruning and Plantation Removal Biomass
Building the Perfect Beast: Designing Advanced Alternative Fuel Policy to Work
Carbonization of Residual Biomass from River Maintenance Using Waste Heat from Gasification Power Plants
Cellulosic Ethanol Production from Tunisian Lif of Date Palm Phoenix Dactylifera L.
CFD Simulation of Bio-Slurry Gasification Using a Sectional Approach
Challenges for Biogas Production and Use in Brazil and Lessons to Learn from Denmark
Characterisation, Testing and Modelling of a Variety of Pulverised Biomass Fuels Burnt in an Axially Air Staged, Swirl-stabilised Test Burner for Industrial Heating Applications
Charcoal Production in Kenya. Ensuring Sustainability in Hotspots Areas
Charcoal Quality in the Household Consumption in Brazil
Chemically Enhanced Char for Syngas Filtering Purposes
Chilling-Tolerant Forage Sorghum as a Potential Bioenergy Feedstock in North Central USA
Co-firing of Pelletized Cassava Rhizome and Eucalyptus Bark in a Fluidized Bed: Studies on the Effects of Co-firing Methods and Bed Material Type on the Combustor Performance and Time-related Bed Behavior
Co-Production Schemes in the Bio-SNG Process: BTX Production and Harvesting
Gasification of Biochars Prepared from Agroindustrial Waste: a Kinetic Study
Combined Harvesting of Chaff and Straw for Bioethanol Production: the First Experience on Wheat in Sweden
Combustion Behaviour and Slagging Tendencies of Kaolin Additivated Agricultural Pellets and of Wood-straw Pellet Blends in a Small Scale Boiler
Compared Analysis of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Heavy Metal Compounds of Solid Recovered Fuels Air Gasification at Pilot Scale
Consortium of Simplified Kinetic Models: an Alternate Approach for Describing the Behaviour of Sugarcane Bagasse Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Continuous Torrefaction of Virginia Mallow under Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere in a Screw Conveyor Reactor
Continuous Vacuum Technology for Drying Woodchips
Cover Crop Carbon Sequestration Potential and Associated Trade-Offs: the Olive Tree Debris as Feedstock of a Local Bio-Refinery Case Study
Cultivation of Scenedesmus Obliquus in Mixtures of Urban and Olive-Oil Mill Wastewaters for the Dual Application of Algal Biomass Production and Wastewater Treatment
Current Status and Prospects for Biofuel Production in Poland
Cynara cardunculus a Novel Substrate for Solid-State Cellulases Production and Sugar Hydrolysates
Danish Bioethanol Project - Three Different Raw Materials Plans - Calculation and Analysis
Demonstration Tests on Horse Manure in order to Strengthen the Economic Life of the South Savo Region
Deposition Properties of Biomass Fly Ash
Designing and Assessing Bioeconomy Oriented Cropping Systems
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Corncob, Hay and Cane Pellets
Developing a Socio-Economic Framework for the Assessment of Rural Biorefinery Projects
Developing Technique Anaeorobic Digestion in the Context of Renewable Energy Sources
Development of a New Highly Efficient and Fuel Flexible Medium-scale CHP Technology Based on Fixed-bed Updraft Biomass Gasification and a SOFC
Development of a Rice Husk Fired Biomass Stove for Cooking, Water and Space Heating
Development of Chromogenic True-to-Nature Biomass Substrates for Bioconversion Process Optimization
Direct Biological Methanation of the Synthesis Gas of an Allothermal Wood Gasifier
Double-Pass Harvesting System on Giant Reed in South Italy
Economic and Environmental Prospects of Biofuels in the European Transport Sector
Economic Assessment of Cereal Residue Harvest and Transport Systems in Relation to the Distance Between the Field and the Storage Centre
Effect in Arundo Donax L. Biomass Yield of Diffferent Forms of Vegetative Propagation
Effect of Combined Pretreatment on Solubilization and Biogas Production from Scenedesmus Biomass
Effect of Feedstock Concentration on Supercritical Water Gasification of Guaiacol
Effect of Harvest Time on the Composition of Tall Wheatgrass Biomass under Mediterranean Conditions
Effect of Mechanical Stress from the Grinding Device on the Biomass Powder Properties and Energy Consumption
Effect of Reforming Conditions in the Catalyst Deactivation in the Pyrolysis-Reforming of Biomass for Hydrogen Production
Effect of Screening on Storage Behaviour of Wood Chips
ELBA: a National Reference Tool for Agricultural Biomass Resource Assessment in France
Electric Power from Agricultural Residual Biomass (ARB) in Colombia - Option of Rural Development after the Armed Conflict
Emissions of Particulate Matter from Agropellets Combustion
Enabling the Biocarbon Value Chains for Energy and Metallurgical Industries
Energy Recovery Alternatives of the Olive Oil Industry Byproducts
Energy Recovery from Pig Farm and Slaughterhouse Organic Wastes
Energy Requirement for Biomass Densification Via Mechanical Compression and an Integrated Pelletization Unit
Energy Storage and Balancing Power for 100% Renewable Energy Hybrid Systems: the Potential of Jatropha for Rural Electrification in Hot Semi-Arid Areas
Enhancing Carboxylic Acid Yields from Duckweed by Acidogenic Digestion
Enhancing the Heating Value of Pretreated Barley Straw
Environmental Impact Assessment of Combined Biochar and Bioenergy Production
Environmental Impacts and Economic Performance of Major Oil Crops in Italy
Estimation and Geographic Distribution of Marginal Agricultural Lands in Spain with Bioenergy Potential
Evaluation of Sunn Hemp Productivity after Wheat under No Tillage Conditions
Evaluation of the Low-temperature Corrosion Potential of Flue Gases from the Combustion of Wood and Non-wood Fuels
Evaluation of the Optimal Reaction Conditions for the Methanolysis and Ethanolysis of Castor Oil Catalyzed by Immobilized Enzymes
Evaluation of Utilising Ingelia Hydrochar Produced from Organic Residues for Blast Furnaces Injection - Comparison with Anthracite and Bituminous Coal
Experimental and Numerical Approach to Improve the Performance of a Small CHP Wood Gasification Plant
Experimental Investigations of Combined Biomass and CO2 Gasification in a Downdraft Gasifier
Experimental Study of PM Emissions from Wood Pellet Stoves with Innovative Burning Pots
Exploitation of Pruning Residues along with Biological Control: a Case Study for Sweet Chestnut (Castanea Sativa, Mill.) Orchards in Central Italy
Exploring the Biomass Trade Potential from North America to Europe and Subsequent Environmental Consequences
Explosive Decompression Pretreatment - Nitrogen or Flue Gas?
Export of Regular and Torrefied Wood Pellets from Chile to Europe and Asia
Fast Quality Determination of the Most Common Solid Biofuels Employed in Italian Biomass Power Plants by Means of Nirs
Fate of Radioactive Caesium during Woody Biomass Gasification
Formation of N-Containing Heterocycles from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Model Compounds and Sewage Sludge
Fractionation of Olive Woody Waste (OWW) Obtained after Milling by Hydrothermal Pretreatments - Steam Explosion and Hot Water
Fresh Bovine Manure Standardization to Start Up Anaerobic Digestion in a Low-Cost Biodigester
Fuel Flexible and Low-Emission Biomass Combustion by Combination of Fuel Additivation and Combustion Related Primary Measures
Gasification and Wine Industry: Report on the Use Vine Pruning as Fuel in Small-scale Gasifiers
Gasification of Cellulose and Lignin with Water Vapor
GHG Emissions of Rapeseed Oil Fuel - Impact of Specific Data and Balance Methods
Giant Reed and Milk Thistle Sugar Yield after Alkaline Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis in Comparison with Standard Wheat Straw
Green Residues - A Promising Feedstock for Green Biorefineries? New Findings from the German SMIBIO Case Study
Hemp Seed Mechanical Harvesting Efficiency Analysis
How to Meet Challenges of Emission Control for Biomass Combustion in Small and Medium Scale Plants in Germany
Hydrodeoxygenation of Pyrolysis Bio-Oils from Ablative Flash Pyrolysis of Straw: an Analytical Study
Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Conical Jet-Loop Airlift Bioreactor with Deflector
Hydrogen and Methane Production by Codigestion of Organic Solid Waste and Waste Activated Sludge in a Discontinuous Process
Hydrogen from Biomass by Oxy-Steam Gasification - A Quantitative Analysis of Cases
Hydroprocessing Modelling Toolkit for Process Design
Hydrothermal Carbonization and Activation of Lignin-Rich Ethanol Co-Product
Hydrothermal Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass and Model Compound and their Effect on Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Identification of EU Success Factors for Sustainable Wood Waste Valorization
Ignition and Combustion of Single Particles of Biomass under Air and O2/CO2 Atmospheres
Impact of Sampling and Measurement System on the Feedstock Receiving Capacity of a Biomass Power Plant
Impact of the Use of Wood Stoves on Indoor Air Content of Particles, Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxides
Improvement of Forest Chip Quality and Supply Chain Performance by Means of a Continuous Quality Measurement System
Improving Energetic and Material Efficiency by Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Sewage Sludge; a Parametric Study
Improving In-Situ Lipid Extraction Efficiency from Oleaginous Yeast in a Lipid Extractor for Biofuel Application
Influence of Phosphorus on the Layer Formation on K-feldspar During Fluidized Bed Combustion and Gasification
Influence of Processing Parameters on Wood Biomass Disintegration and Pellets Production
Influence of Pyrolysis Conditions on Mechanical Behavior of Charcoal for Metallurgical Applications
Influence of the Grate on Performance of a Downdraft Household Stove
Influence of the Support on Ni Based Catalysts for Hydrogen Production in the Biomass Pyrolysis-Catalytic Steam Reforming
Inhibitory Effect of Free Nitrous Acid on Short-Cut Nitrification Treating Methanogenic-Treated Incineration Leachate by Sequencing Batch Reactor
Intelligent Controlling of Power Driven Solid Biomass CHP Plants in Flexible District Heating with a Seasonal Heat Storage and a Power-To-Heat Component
Investigation of a Mathematical-Physical Model for Biomass Densification Depending on Geometry of Pressing Chamber
Investigation on Syngas Assisted Combustion for Low Emission Operation in Gas Burner
Is There a Best Way for the Hydrothermal Treatment of Moist Bio-Waste? First Experiences from a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach
Kosovo Case Study: Lignite Coal - Energy of the Past, Coalbed Methane Extraction - Energy of the Future
Lab Scale Cultivation of Baltic Ulva intestinalis in Different Light and Nutrient Conditions: Effects on Growth and Morphology
Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Jet Fuel from Ethanol: an Analysis from Consequential and Attributional Approaches
Life Cycle Assessment of the Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass for the Production of Fuel, Electricity and Heat
Life Cycle Assessment of Wood-Energy Supply Chains in Mediterranean Forests
Life Cycle CO
Emission Reduction in Nordic Integrated Steel Plant by Applying Biomass-Based Reducing Agents
Liquefied Biomass - A Feedstock for Adhesives and Polyurethanes, a Source of Nanocellulose and a Fuel for Gas Turbine
Logistics Options and Costs of Horse Manure from Stable to Boiler
Long Term Effect of Treated Sewage Sludge on Energy Crop Production
Low-Grade Biomass Upgrading by Washing and Torrefaction: Lab and Pilot-Scale Results
Maize Cob and Cereal Chaff: Feedstocks for Energy Production
Maize Cob Harvesting: First Assessment of an Innovative System
Mass Culture of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Using Olive-Mill Wastewater
Method for Representative Biomass Sampling to Improve its Qualitative Parameters and to Optimize Combustion Processes
Method to Monitor the Function of Electrostatic Precipitators in Biomass Combustion Plants by Capturing the Operation Parameters
Methodology of Agitator Design for Large-Volume Bioreactors
Micro-Pyrolysis of Lignin-Rich Digested Stillage from 2nd Generation Bioethanol Production: Investigation to Determine the Catalytic Effect of its Natural Ash
Mixing of a Model Substrate in a Scale-down Laboratory Digester and Processing with a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model
Modelling of a 3 MWth BFB Gasifier in AspenPlusTM
Modelling the Potential Bioenergy Production from Agro-Forestry Crops and Residues in Angola
Modelling-Based Procedure to Evaluate Energy Crops Productivity in Marginal Humid Areas of Low Po Valley (Northern Italy)
Modified Gompertz Kinetic Study of Methane Production from Anaerobic Digestion of Recycled Paper Mill Sludge
Modular Conception of Briquetting Press
Multifaceted Analysis and Integrated Design for Global Supply Chain of Empty Fruit Bunch
Mushroom Biotechnology for Conversion of Lignocellulosic Wastes into Fully Biodegradable Materials and Organic Food
New Mobile, Slow Pyrolysis Technology Developed in Namibia Brings about Process Improvement, Optimisation and Efficient Biomass Conversion in the Charcoal Industry
Next Generation Fuel Flexible Residential Biomass Heating Based on an Extreme Air Staging Technology with Ultra-low Emissions
Numerical Analysis of a Combined Heat and Power Generation Technology from Residual Biomasses
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Conditions in a Pilot Tubular Photobioreactor
Numerical Parametric Investigation of a Flexible Lignite-Fired Boiler Operating with Pre-Dried Lignite or Biomass as Supporting Fuel
Obtaining Main Components of Liquid Motor Fuels from Sewage Sludge
On Thermal Decomposition of Biogas Digestate to Syngas
Operating Environment for Small-Scale Biomass-Based CHP Production in Finland
Optimisation of Gas Production in a Biogas Plant by Improving the Monitoring
Optimization of Wood Combustion in Low-power Firing Systems by Sensor-based Operation: High Temperature CO/HC Sensor for Long-term In-situ Operation
Organic Waste to Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (Lac); State-of-the-Art Literature Review
Overview and Current Status of EU Funded Actions on Bio-Fuelled Heating and Combined Heating and Power within the Energy Challenge of Horizon 2020
Oxidative Pyrolysis of Various Biomasses in a Fixed Bed: Yields, Composition and Properties of the Products
Parametric Optimization of the Pre-Treatment of South African Corncob in Molten ZNCL2 Tetra Hydrate Salt
Particulate Matter Emission and its Chemical Species from Co-combustion of Lignite and Agricultural Residues
Pennycress (Thlaspi Arvense) a New Non-Food Crop for Oil-Based Biofuel Production in Europe and USA
Performance and Evaluation of Combustion Tests on Raw and Torrefied Biomass Fuels: Application in Small and Medium-Scale Domestic Furnaces
Performance of Sida Hermaphrodita and Silphium Perfoliatum in Europe: Preliminary Results
Physic Nut Wood: an Interesting Feedstock for Energy Production
Phytoremediation Potential of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils by the Perennial Energy Crops Miscanthus Spp. and Arundo Donax L. under Low Irrigation
Pineapple Residues from End-Productive Plantations: Harvest Perspectives and Bioenergy Potential in Costa Rica
Plant Origin Biomass Torrefaction Process. Investigation of Exothermic Process during Torrefaction
Polyesters and -Amides from Wood: Sugar Conversion to Furan Dicarboxylic Acid and to Muconic Acid
Potential Effects of Global Warming on the Spatial Distribution and Productivity of Five Tree Species Used in the Wood Energy Supply Chain in France for 2050
Potential of Nitratireductor Sp. OM-1 to Produce More Short-Chain Esters and Less Excess Sludge during Wastewater Treatment
Potential of Tropical Fruit Waste in Bioenergy Processes and Bioproducts Design
Power-to-Gas Integration to Biogas Generation from Vinasse in Sugarcane Ethanol Industry
Predicting Reactivity and Conversion Profile of Agro-industrial Residues in Steam Gasification Processes: a Kinetic Approach
Prediction and Control of Biofuels Quality Using a Mathematical Modelling of Densification Process
Prediction of Biomass Pyrolysis Plant Products
Present and Future of Mixed Pellets Based on Agricultural Crops Residues (Herbaceous and Woody) for their Use in the Residential Sector (Mhwpellet Project)
Producing Advanced Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oils by Ex-Situ Catalytic Vapour Reforming
Production of Specialist Chemicals from Bio-Based Short-Chain Fermentation Products
Pulpwood Terminals and their Potential to Support Biomass Supply to Power Plants in Eastern Finland
Pyrolysis of Giant Reed (Arundo Donax) for Production of Biochar
Quality Assessment of Mediterranean Biofuels
Rapeseed Oil as Co-Substrate to Improve the Optimization of Anaerobic Co-Digestion Process in Semi-Continuous Regime
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Biomass Production by Using Plant Oil Fuel in Tractors
Reduction of NOx Emissions from Automated Boilers by Multiple Air Staging
Regional Feasibility of Biomass-Based Small-Scale CHP Production
Residual Char from Gasification Integrated in a Tar Removal System
Revealing Bioenergy Potentials: Mapping Marginal Lands in Europe - The Seemla Approach
Robust Instrumentation and Control Systems for Gasification of Biomass
Scaling-Up Lignocellulosic Butanol Production (ButaNexT)
Selection and Establishment of Energy Crops in Abandoned and Unused Land for Biomass Production in Cambrils
Semi-Mobile Bioenergy from Agricultural and Forest Residues in Chile
Septic Tank Sludges as Part of The Optimized Sewage Treatment Process
Simulation of the Gasification of Agricultural Residues Using COCO Simulator
Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) for Advanced Biofuel from Waste Wood Integrated in the Steel Industry
Solar Enhanced Drying Improving the Woody Biomass Supply Chain
Sowing Dates Effect on Camelina Growth in Different EU Climatic Zones
Standard Liquid Fuel for Industrial Boilers from Used Wood
Strategies for Energy Recovery and Gains Associated with the Implementation of an Extra-Dry Methanization System for Treating Organic Waste from the City of Rio De Janeiro - Brazil
Study of the Behaviour of the Implantation of Ulmus Pumila in Field from Phenotypically Selected Material
Study of the Potential Ecological Risk of Heavy Metals in the Residue from Thermal Conversion of a Sewage Sludge
Study on Bed Agglomeration, Fouling and Slagging Remedies in Biomass Fired BFB Combustors Based on Laboratory Tests and Long Term Operational Experiences
Summer Harvests Greatly Increase the Nitrogen Uptake of the Energy Grass Giant Reed
Sunn Hemp, a Promising Leguminous Energy Crop as Inter-Cropping System: Preliminary Results for Spain
Supercritical Methanolysis of Waste Cooking Oil for Biodiesel Production: Experimental Assessment for Evaluating the Effect of Free Fatty Acids Content
Sustainability Analisys as a Tool to Determine the Role of Biorefineries in High Value Bioproducts and Biofuels Production Based on Lignocellulosic Biomass
Sustainable Forests in Brazil. Can Provide Negative Emissions from Woody Biomass?
Syngas Transformation Technologies to Produce Biofuels and Biochemicals - A Techno-economical Review
Technical and Economic Analysis of the Reconversion of an Existing Biogas Plant to Biomethane Production: a Case Study
Technical and Economic Optimization of Power and Biomass-to-Liquid Processes by Exergoeconomic Analysis
Technical Modifications Improving Operational Stability at the Bioliq® Fast Pyrolysis Plant
Technical study of Pilot Plant and Industrial Photobioreactors
Technical-Economic Evaluation of a Small Liquefaction Plant for Bio-LNG Production
Technologies for Biomethane Production in Small and Medium Scale Applications - Assessment within the European Project RECORD BIOMAP
Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Volume and Biomass Modelling - Overview
The AGRANA Starch Biorefinery Coproducing Highly Sustainable Crop Based Bioethanol, Food, Feed and Chemicals for the Bioeconomy
The Babet Real 5 Project - Setting the Scene for a Really Sustainable Second Generation (2g) Bioethanol Production in Bavaria
The Biomass Dust-Fueled Engine
The Creation of Bioenergy Villages in Southeastern Europe - Results from the Biovill Project in Macedonia and Slovenia
The Development and Commercialisation of Nova Pangaea Technologies Refnova Process for the Continuous Sequential Physical then Thermochemical Fractionation of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Sugars and Chemical Precursors
The Economic Feasibility of Stalk Biomass-Fired Heating Plants in Germany
The Effect of Biomass Drying on the Overall Efficiency and Economics of Combined Production of Transportation Fuels and Heat by Steam Gasification and FT-Synthesis
The Effect of Economic Variables Over a Biodiesel Production Plant Using Calcium Oxide as a Catalyst
The Impact of Aluminosilicate-based Additives upon the Sintering and Melting Behaviour of Biomass Ash
The Importance of Quantifying Soil Carbon Storage at the Outset of Perennial Energy Crops: a Case Study
The Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol - A Pyrolysis Bio Oil Surrogate
The Perspectives of Biomethane to Contribute to Increase the Natural Gas Supply in the State of São Paulo
The Role of Biogas in the Italian Energy Scenario: the Case of "Tempio" Farm
The Role of Biomass for Small District Heating Grids for South-Eastern Europe - The Coolheating Project
The Role of Biomass in the Future Development of CSP in Southern Europe: the Case of Spain
The Role of Industrial Biorefineries in a Low-Carbon Economy
The Role of Inorganic Matter in Biomass Self-ignition
The Valorization of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste in a Biorefinery Concept
Thermo-Catalytic Reforming as Basement for a Novel Biorefining Route to Produce Chemicals and Fuels
Thermodynamic and Energy Analysis of Glycerol Low Temperature Steam Reforming for Bio-SNG
To-Syn-Fuel: Turning Sewage Sludge into Fuels and Hydrogen
Torrefied Medical Cotton Waste for Industrial Liquid Waste Cleaning
Towards a Sustainable Future - The Role of Biomass in Future Renewable-Based Energy Systems
Ultrapure Hydrogen from Biomass Syngas by Pd/Ag Membrane Reactor
Use of Gasification Char for Hot Gas Filtration in Micro-scale Power Plants
Utilization of Various Non-woody Biomass Fuels in an Innovative Multi-fuel Combustion Concept
Utilization of Wood Resources in Biomass Heat and Power Plants in the Context of Market Developments
Valorization of Char from Biomass Gasification as Catalyst Support: Preliminary Results of Fischer-Tropsch Tests
Valorizing Nutrients from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Digestate
Waste Gasification for Power Generation: Assessment of Industrial and Non-Industrial Alkaline Residues as Sorbents for Acid Gas Removal
Waste Office Paper: a Potential Biorefinery Feedstock for Microbial Lipids for Biodiesel Production
Waste-to-Fuel Technology in Albania - Development System to Support an Active Drilling Industry
Wet Partial Oxidation of Guaiacol into Carboxylic Acids Using Hydrogen Peroxide
Why Intermediate Pyrolysis with Integrated Reforming Makes the Difference!
Why Polyphenols Present in Spent Coffee Grounds Inhibit the Growth of Bacteria Producing Polyhydroxyalkanoates?
Will Dried Sludge from Fish Farming Become a Contributor or Competitor to the Utilization of Municipal Sludge?
Yield Reduction from Weed Competition in a Mature Crop of Giant Reed