European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
ISSN 2282-5819
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List of articles 2024
A Circular Economy Approach for Valorization Products of Carob (Ceratonia Siliqua L.) Supply Chain for Food, Feed and Energy Use
A Comprehensive Methodology for Calculating the Theoretical, Technical, and Economic Potentials of Biomass Residues: a Case Study of Minas Gerais, Brazil
A Network Analysis of Technological Innovation in Advanced Biofuels in the European Union
A Novel and Valuable Strategy for Sustainable Energy Production through the Gasification of Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge
A Regional and Sectoral Analysis of the Potential Organic Waste-to-biogas Resource and the Corresponding Greenhouse Gas Abatement in India and other Countries
Adaptability of Camelina to Heavy Metals Polluted Soil
Adsorption Separation of Catechol, Accompanying Guaiacol and Phenol from the Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) of Lignin
Advanced Biomethane Production via Gasification Using Blends of Lignocellulosic Biomass and Sludge
Advantages of Waste Biomass Co-combustion with Lignite. Case Study of a Fluidized Bed Test Rig
Agricultural Biorefinery - Combining Local and Regional Scale
Agricultural Mechanization in Large Scale Agroforestry System
Agroforestry System: Opportunities and Constraints of Tree-crop Interactions
An Integrated Circular Economy-driven Multi-criteria Decision-making Framework for Performance Assessment of Biogenic CO
-to-chemicals Conversion Technologies
Anaerobic Digestion of Potato Waste Generated from a Food Processing Facility
Analysis of Nitrogen Flow in Food Waste: a Case Study of the University Restaurant - UnB
ANDRITZ Biomass Gasification: from Heat to Advanced Biofuels
Approach Towards Developing Integrated Biorefineries
Are Strategy Developers Well Equipped When Designing Sustainable Supply Chains for a Circular Bio-economy? Supporting Innovations' Market Uptake in a PESTEL + I Environment
Assessing Crop Water Use of Lignocellulosic Biomass Crops Using a Crop Model Based on Leaf Area Index
Assessing Environmental Impacts and Climate Change Mitigation of Carbon-neutral Biochar from Agricultural Wood Waste
Assessment of Co-gasification of Municipal Solid Waste and Torrefied Urban Forest Waste: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective
Assessment of Recoverable Biomass Potential for a Stand-alone Small Scale Gasification Plant
Assessment of the Effect of Biostimulants Application on Miscanthus x Giganteus Grown in Polluted Soils via the Application of the Arungro Model Under Open Field and Greenhouse Conditions
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel FT-SPK Produced via Gasification of Biogenic Residues
Biochar Production from Pyrolysis of Residual Forest Biomass: Comparison of Biochar Properties from Bench-scale Batch Reactor and Pilot-scale Auger Reactor
Bioeconomy in Textile Industry: Industrial Wastes Valorisation Toward Textile Functionalization
Bioenergy for Provision of Flexibility to Multi-energy Systems through Model-based Control
Biogas Conversion to Green Methanol via Steam Reforming in a Container-sized Module
Biogas Plants as a Future Opportunity towards Material and Energy Use of CO
- An LCA Perspective
Biomass and PAN-based Activated Carbons for Copper Removal from Waste Printed Circuit Boards
Biomass Fly Ash as a Catalyst in Biomass Gasification Reactions for H
Biomethane Market Uptake - A Holistic Framework of Key Performance Indicators for Assessing National Biomethane Market Uptake in European Countries
Biomethane Production from Wheat Straw of Sicilian Landraces
Biorefinery Approach to Convert Crude Glycerol to Single Cell Oils (SCOs) and Carotenoids by Rhodosporidium Toruloides DSM70398
BIOSTRAT - Strategies for the Optimal Bioenergy Use - Scenarios for Austria up to 2050
Biotechnological Production of 2-Phenylethanol from Agro-industrial Wastes for Foods and Flavouring Applications
Birch Biochar Boost: Optimizing Biogas Production from Biowaste with Enhanced Hydrogen Sulphide Management
Boosting Circular Transition of the Bioeconomy Value Chains with a Business-driven Open Innovation Process - BioBoosters Hackaton
Breeding and Selection of a Castor Genotype to Exploit in the Mediterranean Area
Bridging Gaps in Sustainability Certification of Low-ILUC-risk Biomass - A Decision Support Scheme
Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification of Sugar Beet Vinasse in Subcritical Water Conditions
Characterisation of Biochars for Metallurgical Applications and Means of Optimisation
Chemical Looping Reforming for Carbon-neutral and Carbon-negative Emissions Using Bioethanol as Feedstock
Co-treatment of Wastewater from the Meat-producing Industry and Blood-waste in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR)
COCPIT PROJECT - Biorefinery Concept for Circular Production of Microalgae-based Fuels for Shipping and Aviation
Combined Influence of Post-reformer Temperature and Red Mud Catalyst on the Thermo-catalytic Reforming (TCR®) of Digestate
Combustion of Vapours from Pyrolysis of Residual Forest Biomass in a Pilot-scale Auger Reactor: Process Analysis and Gaseous Emissions
Comparative Assessment of Pretreatment Technologies for Wheat Straw Biomass Conversion
Comparative Study on Electrochemical and Thermochemical Pathways for H
Comparison of the Thermocatalytic Reforming of Sewage Sludge to its Pyrolysis
Comprehensive Developments of the Distributed Activation Energy Model (DAEM) for Determining Pyrolysis Kinetic Parameters of Biomass Residues
Consequences and Possibilities of Replacing Fossil Fuels in Kymenlaakso Region
Conversion of Contaminated Biomass in an Innovative Biorefinery into High-quality Energy Carriers
Crop Biomass Monitoring at Intra-field Resolution by Integration of High Resolution and Revisit Satellite Data into Agricarbon-EO
Decarbonization Potential of Bioenergy in Amazonian Isolated Systems: an Environmental Life Cycle Inventory
Demonstrating Biochar's Potential to Filter Siloxanes from Landfill Gas
Demonstrating Technologies to Produce Liquid Renewable Energy Carriers from Carbon Emissions Captured from Energy Intensive Industries
Demonstrative Afforestation Experiments on Challenging Nordic Terrain with Biochar Seedballs
Designing Tomorrow - Expenses and Temporal Dynamics of Bio-based Carbon Dioxide Removal
Development of Automated Fault Recovery Controls for Plug-flow Biomass Reactors
Development of Conceptual Framework for Biomass Valorization Recommender
Dosage Levels of the Enzyme for the Production of Bioethanol in Orange Peel Hydrolysis
E-fuels Synthesis Using Green Hydrogen from an Experimental Electrolysis Plant and CO
Captured from Biomass Conversion Processes
Ecosystem Services of Compost Application on Sunflower: Effect on Soil-plant-pollinator Loop
Effect of Fermentation Duration on Enzyme Activity in Garbage Enzyme Production
Effect of Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Application on Lignocellulosic Crops Yield for Advanced Biofuels
Effect of Temperature and Catalyst Concentration on Biodiesel Production from Frying Residual Vegetable Oil
Effect of the Co-digestion of Olive Mill Wastewater and Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate on Medium Chain Fatty Acids and Hydrogen Production
Effects of the Climate Crisis and Pesticide Use on Fatty Acids in the Food Web
Empowering Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities - The POWER-E-COM Project
Energy Catacterization of Almond Wood and Husk in New Orchards with Specific Training System: Some Insights in Italy
Energy Valorization of Swine Manure by Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion (OCAC) with Oxygen Carriers Based on Natural Ores
Environmental and Techno-economic Analysis of Hydrothermal Carbonisation Applied in Horse Stables
Environmental Impact Optimization of Biomass Supply Chain: Literature Analysis and Key Insights
Environmental Performance of Biomethane with Carbon Dioxide Utilization or Storage
ESjara Project: Rockrose Essential Oil for the Development of Bioeconomy in Rural Areas. Correlation of Vegetation Indexes with Essential Oil Yields
Ethiopia Tests Integrated Crop Residue and Soil Fertility Management Employing Biochar-based Fertilizer (BBF)
Evaluation of Different Catalyst Recipes Regarding Tar Conversion in the Gas from Continuously Operated Slow Pyrolysis Reactors
Evaluation of Lignocellulosic Biomasses Available in Uruguay for Glucose Production by Enzymatic Cellulose Hydrolysis
Expanding Activities of an Energy Community in Central Greece by Integrating New Biomass Feedstock towards Community Bioenergy Heating. Evaluation of Market-uptake Support Activities
Exploitation of Different Sustainable Treatment Strategies for Olive Pomace Valorisation
Exploitation of the Marine Waste Posidonia Oceanica Egagropiles to Biofuel
Factors Enabling Innovation Ecosystems for the Regional Bioeconomy Development
Farm-scale Manure Hygienizing Device in the Test
Follow the Expert and Inform the Citizen: The Role of Familiarity and Awareness on (Mis)Perceptions and Attitudes towards Biogas
Fractional Condensation to Improve Bio-oil Quality From Pyrolysis of Acacia Longifolia
From Waste to Resource: Exploring a Novel Approach to Wood Waste Recycling
Harnessing Acetate from Syngas as Substrate for Microbial Platforms in Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production
High Efficiency and Zero Emissions Biogas-to-power: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Advanced Biogas Cleaning
How Biomethane Can Contribute to Transport Decarbonization in the EU: Future Scenarios Comparing Applications and Countries
How to Grow Successfully Camelina: A Valuable Oilseed for Greece
HTL Kinetic Model Development: the Particular Case of Micro-algae
Hydrogenation of TCR-Bio-Oil to Produce High-quality Bio-byproducts
Hydroxy Fatty Acid Production by Chemo-enzymatic Conversion of Waste Cooking Oils
Implementation of Dark Fermentation for Biohydrogen Production in Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Enhancing Energy Yield
Influence of Different Sequences of Washing and Thermochemical Pretreatment on Wood Biomass-derived Fuel for Hydrogen Production
Integrated Assessment of Corn Stover and Cob Gasification: Energetic and Environmental Perspectives in Midwest Brazil
Integrating 4E Analysis of Biomass Valorization for Jet-fuel Production: a Review
Integration of Biocrude from Hydrothermal Liquefaction into an Existing Refinery: a Simulation for Harnessing Western Andalusia’s Residues
Investigation of Particle Removal and Heat Recovery in a Wet Scrubber Using a Module-based Simulation Model
Land Use Change and Root Extraction: Sustainable Biomass or Waste?
Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion into Biochemicals Using Pyrolysis
Mapping Available EU Bio-CO
Sources as Feedstock for Methanol Synthesis
Mechanization Options for Improving Biofuel Sustainability: Experience from Camelina, Safflower and Castor
Methane Emissions from Biogas Upgrading Plants
Methodology for the Socio-environmental and Socio-economic Analysis of the EU Bio-based Industry
Micro-Bio-CHP - Development of a Novel Highly Efficient Energy Supply System for Energy Autonomous Multi-family Buildings Based on Biomass Gasification Coupled with an SOFC and a PV System
Mitigation of High-temperature Corrosion during Thermal Processing of Biomass Rich in Chlorine
Modelling of Biomass Gasification: Comparison Between Free-licensed DWSIM and a Commercial Software
Modelling of Boiler Tube Deposit Formation and Deposit Aging for Waste Wood Fired Biomass Boilers
Modelling the PHC-char Separator for the PYSOLO Solar Integrated Pyrolysis Plant
Multilevel Assessment of Bio-based CDR Options - Towards a Sustainable Implementation of Integrated BECCS Concepts in Germany
Multistep Biorefinery Process to Produce Microbial Lipids from Syngas Acetate
Navigating the Combined Potential of BECCS and Forest-based Solutions from the German Bioenergy System Perspective to Achieve Net-zero Emissions
New Technologies and Biomass-based District Heating in Finland
New Value for Biofuels - Monetizing Low Emissions via GHG Quota in Germany Exemplified by Biomethane
Novel Prototype for Hot Composting of Manure and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Nutrient and Biogas Potential in Municipal Solid Waste
Olive Mill Wastewater Treatment by Microalgae and Energy Compounds Production
On Integration of Anaerobic Digestion and Torrefaction-pyrolysis for Wet and Dry Biomass Waste Valorization: Preliminary Mass, Energy, and Sensitivity Analysis
Opportunities and Limitations to the Scale-up of Sustainable Biofuels via Biotheros Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Technologies
Opportunities and Risks Associated with the Production of Crambe Oil when Cultivated in Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals
Optimization of a Standalone High Renewable Energy System with Biogas-plant with Flexible-demand Orientated Biogas Production
Optimization of Conventional Batch Distillation of Anaerobic Digestate to Isolate Ammonium Bicarbonate Considering the Well-known Behavior of the Non-ideal Mixture Ethanol-water
Optimizing Biogas Desulfurization: Anoxic Biotrickling Filtration with Agricultural Digestate for Enhanced Sulfur Removal Efficiency
Orange Biomass Lignin and Hesperidin for the Synthesis of Lignin-based Nanoparticles as Promising Photoprotective Agents Against UV Radiation
Orange is the New Green - A Site Analysis for Biological Hydrogen Production in Biogas Plants in Germany
Oxidative Pyrolysis (Autothermal) of Pinus Residues on a Pilot Scale: Performance, Bio-oil Characterization and Economic Viability
Oxyfuel Combustion of Biogenic Low Calorific Value Gases - Influence of Water Injection on Combustion Characteristics and Exhaust Gas Composition
Pathways to a Green Economy - Searching for Cleaner Energy Sources and Production in Angola
Pectin from Ofi Cladodes: Towards Sustainable Biobased Solutions
Phytoremediation of Contaminated Lands: Thermochemical Conversion Routes for Clean Biofuels
Pine Sawdust-based Activated Carbon for the Removal of Dyes from Aqueous Solutions
Potential of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa Biomass Production based on Olive Mill Wastewater as a New Bioprocess for Biofuel Production, and Carbon Dioxide Biofixation
Price Development and Competitiveness of Biomass-based District Heating Compared to Fossil Fuels
Production and Recovery of Biochar for Agricultural Use, Gas Cleaning and Wastewater Treatment
Production of Wastes in a Small Country: Portugal Case Study
Project RESIST: a Potential Approach on Resilience to Climate Change - Innovation, Science, and Technology in Central Portugal Region
Promoting Innovation Excellence in Transformation of Coal Regions to Climate-neutral, Thriving Economies
RDF Co-processing through CO
Gasification Using Waste-based Catalysts
Real-world Phytoremediation Data on Amaranth and Experience from a Two-year Field Trial in the Phy2climate Project
REFOLUTION - Unlocking the Potential of Biofuels for Aviation and Marine Sector
Responsible Research and Innovation in Advanced Biofuel - Research Project Refolution
Rhamnogalacturonan-I Pectin Recovery from Sugar Beet Pulp through Greener Technologies
Route to Optimizing Biorefinery Efficiency: High-solid, Low-dosage Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ethanol-based Acid-catalyzed Organosolv of Cynara Cardunculus
Scenarios for the Optimal Use of Biomass in the Future German Energy System Until 2050
Screening of Glycerol-utilized Anaerobic Bacteria for Biobutanol Production
Selection of Potential Energy Crops in Marginal Soils of Mainland Portugal
Selection of Promising Seed-based Hybrids of Miscanthus for Biomass Production
Sewage Sludge Physico-chemical Characterization: Identification of a Multi-component Model Mixture for Supercritical Water Gasification
Simple and Smart Communities for All
Simulating the Evolution of the Greek Biodiesel Industry
Social Innovation for Rural Bioeconomies
Socio-demographic and Psychological Factors Behind Citizen Acceptance of Biogas in Livestock Farming
Spent Substrate from Mushroom Cultivation - Potential Feedstock for Biorefinery Exploitation
State of the Art of Inspection Processes for Pipes and Accessories in the Green Hydrogen Industry in Brazil
Study on Development of Outlook for the Necessary Means to Build Industrial Capacity for Advanced Biofuels
Subsurface Water Retention System for Industrial Crop Sustainable Production. Results from Guayule
Sustainability Analysis of Fuels Produced from Green Hydrogen and Biogenic Carbon - Socio-economic Risks and Opportunities
Sustainability Assessment of Phytoremediation-derived Biomass Valorization into Bioenergy
Sustainability of SOFC Integration with Anaerobic Digestion: a Comprehensive Analysis of Dimensioning, Technical and Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Biochar-based Adsorbents for Low-pressure CO
Sustainable Biodiversity-friendly Intercropping for Bio-based Products in Central-Northern Spain under Marginal Land Conditions: First Results of the MIDAS Project
Sustainable Biofuels via Biomass Gasification Towards Fossil-free Aluminium Production
Sustainable Biomass Mobilization for Decarbonizing Economy: a Case Study in Southern Savonia
Sustainable Business Ecosystem - A Case Study of Biochar's Potential
Sustainable Energy Generation through Thermo-chemical Processes of Solid Waste from the 'La Pradera' Sanitary Landfill, Department of Antioquia, Colombia
Sustainable Glass Industry with Fuel-flexible Technology - The GIFFT Project
Synergizing Livestock and Agricultural By-products for Bioenergy Production: an Integrated 20-year Forecast Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Synthesis of Biolubricants Catalyzed by Lipase B from Candida antarctica Immobilized on a Magnetic Lignin Based Support Derived from Cashew Apple Bagasse
Technical and Energetic Characterization of the Different Products Obtainable from Industrial Hemp
Technical and Energy Evaluation of Different Sustainable Agricultural Resources in the Agrovoltaic Sector in a Circular Economy Approach
Techno-economic Perspective of Biomass Conversion to Electricity Generation: Colombia Isolated Areas Scenario
Temperature Dependence in CO
Steam Explosion Pretreatment for Sugars Production of Industrial Hemp
The Effect of Feedstock Grass Quality on Biogas Production in a Bioluuppi - Demonstration Scale Environment
The Evaluation of Bioactivities of Bauhinia Purpurea Extracts
The Potential Use of Cashew Apple Lignin as Photoprotector Ingredient for Cosmetics
The Role of Biomass in the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-ETIP)
Towards an Energy Democracy in Rural Communities in the Southeast of Mexico
Towards Scale Up of Furan Platform Molecules: a Development of a Continuous Intensified Process for Dehydration of Industrial Hemicellulose in an Agitated Cell Reactor
Using Biomass Value Chains to Control Large-scale Bush Encroachment and Maintain the Long-term Sustainability of the Bush Savanna Ecosystem in Namibia
Using Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-efficiency Index to Compare Different Wetland Farming Methods as an Alternative to Peatland Harvesting
Valorisation of Rainwater: Water Harvesting System to Improve the Economic Aspects of Crop Production
Valorizing Banana Biomass Residues: an Assessment of Biochar Production through Torrefaction
Various Metal Tolerance of Acidophilic Aspergillus turcosus for Probable Using in PCBs Bioleaching Process