Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Soya Milk Extractor
Siphiwe, M., Rebecca, N., Zukile, X., Workneh, T., Senzanje, A.
The need for agro-industry development both at small scale and commercial scale is increasing across the African continent. However, availability of low cost appropriate and sustainable processing equipment remains as a bottleneck to small scale or emerging farmers, especially in some sub-Saharan countries. Similarly, availability of electric grid limits the development of value addition technologies in the region. Even though electricity is available, it is expensive and hence unaffordable to such farmers in the region. The objectives of this project were to design and construct a small scale biomass thermal soya milk cooker and extractor and to evaluate the performance of the cooker and extractor in terms of biomass thermal energy conversion efficiencies and extraction efficiency. As a case study, a small scale soya milk cooker and extractor was designed, in particular, for the community scale of production that grows soya beans in the region. The technology should utilise readily available sources of energy, including biomass and thermal energy, and should be as versatile as possible to the resource poor farmers. The system should efficiently use biomass thermal energy to cook soya bean in preparation of extraction using a manually operated milk press. Such equipment uses significantly small amount of biomass energy with the help of effective direct or indirect heat exchanger. The soya milk extractor was designed to operate as a batch system and has three components, namely a biomass thermal stove, double boiler and screw press. The design capacity of the soya milk cooker and extractor was 15 litres per batch. The components were designed, constructed and tested for efficiency of biomass thermal energy conversion. Using biomass feed rate of 4.13 kg/h the equipment achieved a maximum of 701.6 °C in the biomass combustion chamber, a thermal efficiency of 60% in the double boiler, while the screw press achieved an extraction capacity of 0.047 .
soya milk, soya beans, double boiler, biomass thermal stove, screw press
Biomass Conversion Technologies for Heating, Cooling and Electricity
Biomass and bioliquids combustion for small and medium scale applications
24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
707 - 716
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