Operating Experiences of Large Scale CFB-Gasification Plants for the Substitution of Fossil Fuels
Bolhar-Nordenkampf, M., Isaksson, J.
The paper focusses on large scale operating CFB-gasification to substitute fossil fuels. The first example is the Vaskiluodon Voima concept where in a high efficiency 560 MWth coal fired supercritical PC boiler 140 MWth fuel power is substituted by producer gas coming from a CFB gasifier. The fuel fed to gasifier is a mixture of various kind of biomass, like saw dust, forest residues, bark, shredded stumps, uncontaminated waste wood, etc. By this concept the operability of the existing power plant is not affected and the high steam parameters could be kept without problems of corrosion and fouling. The gasifier has been operating successful for over 23 000 hours with an availability of over 97% managing to substitute up to 40% of the fossil fuel on annual basis. The emissions clearly improved as well, CO content dropped, SOx emissions were reduced and the NOx emissions dropped by 30%, though the original PC boiler was already designed as Low-NOx boiler. The second successful CFB gasification project is the Kymijärvi II plant in Lahti, were SRF (solid recovered fuels) with a biogenic part of 50% is gasified to produce a gas that is then cleaned and combusted in a dedicated gas fired boiler at high steam parameters (540°C and 120 bar). Using this concept efficiency from waste as a fuel can be achieved, yielding out of 160 MW fuel input 50 MWel and 90 MW district heat. The gasifier has been operating successful for over 25 000 hours. In the future the Lahti concept could also be applied in the same manor to existing boilers to utilized existing infrastructure, gain advantages of high steam parameters in combination with the use of waste and low investment costs.
biomass, gasification, municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial scale application
Biomass Conversion Technologies for Heating, Cooling and Electricity
Biomass and bioliquids combustion for small and medium scale applications
24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
375 - 381
Paper DOI: