The Babet Real 5 Project - Setting the Scene for a Really Sustainable Second Generation (2g) Bioethanol Production in Bavaria
Ball, I., Janssen, R., Rutz, D.
Can the production of 2G bioethanol be really sustainable when all parameters (a.o. soil carbon, climate change) that could have an influence on the potential biomass are thoroughly considered? When looking for agricultural residues that take into account all sustainability aspects, the available potential is reduced considerably. Still, it is possible to find promising regions and crops that make the sustainable production of 2G bioethanol possible. In the South-East of Germany, in Bavaria, it was investigated whether regions can be found, in which more than 30,000 tdm/y are available in a 50-km radius and the preconditions for a sustainable feedstock are fulfilled. For all 96 official districts of Bavaria, the theoretical, technical and agronomical potential, as well as the competitive use was analysed for the feedstocks wheat straw, rye straw, barley straw, oat straw, rapeseed straw, triticale straw and corn stover. It could be shown, that in the region Lower Bavaria, in two 50-km radius areas between the cities Landshut and Passau enough wheat straw (~ 121,000 tdm/y) and corn stover (~ 172,000 tdm/y) is available for the production of 2G bioethanol. Furthermore, it was found, that in Bavaria these amounts (i.e. the yields) can be also be provided when the local consequences of climate change are considered, as the negative impacts (i. e. heavy precipitation or heat waves) are presumably compensated by positive impacts (i. e. longer vegetation period, more CO2 for plants growth). Assuming the use of biofuels in agricultural vehicles, a first calculation of the environmental impact of the feedstock supply revealed that per supply ton of wheat straw 11.0 kg CO2eq need to be taken into account, and 18.9 kg CO2eq per supply ton of corn stover.
bioethanol, sustainability, feedstock, environmental impact, supply
Biomass Policies, Markets and Sustainability
Sustainability and socio-economic aspects
26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
1299 - 1306
Paper DOI: