Particulate Matter Emission and its Chemical Species from Co-combustion of Lignite and Agricultural Residues
Laaongnaun, S., Mantananont, N., Patumsawad, S.
In this study, the relationships between particulate matter (PM) emissions and the various fuel, fuel fraction and operating conditions, have been investigated. PM characteristics obtained in this study are: 1) total number/mass concentration, 2) number and mass size distribution, 3) emission rate in terms of particle number emitted per kilogram of fuel consumed, and 4) determination of particle morphology and of its associated trace elements The results indicated that total number concentration was 2.3x104, 1.4x104 and 9.1x104 particles/cm3, while total mass of particles was 12.2, 8.1 and 6.5 mg/m3 for combustion of lignite, rice husks and bagasse, respectively. In case of co-combustion of lignite/rice husks mixture, the results showed that total number and total mass of particle were higher than those derived from mono-combustion. For particle size distribution (PSD), obtained results showed that it was bimodal, mono-modal and semi-bimodal for combustion of rice husks, bagasse and lignite, respectively. The most dominant size of particles emitted during mono-combustion was identical, and equal to 0.07.m. When co-firing rice husks with coal, it was noticed that a bimodal distribution was obtained, and the most dominant sizes of particle were 0.04 .m and 0.31 .m. Based on gravimetric or mass considerations, the prevailing size were the following: 3.07, 5.13, and 8.09 .m. Emission rates, expressed on the basis of number of particles released per kilogram of fuel-burned, in all experimental runs, were between 4.34x109-1.47x1011 particle/kgfuel. Regarding the particulate morphology and its associated trace elements, the results displayed particle shapes derived from combustion and co-combustion of coal/rice husk were mainly of two structures: spherical and irregular (rod, flake-like, fireball). The major elements found in submicron-sized particles were silicon, aluminum and iron. While, calcium was found significant in fine to coarse particles (PM1-10)
agricultural residues, biomass, coal, combustion, cofiring, particle emission
Biomass Conversion Technologies for Heating, Cooling and Electricity
Biomass and bioliquids combustion for small and medium scale applications
26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
639 - 646
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