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Simple and Smart Communities for All


Mergner, R., Rutz, D., Holzmann, A., Schilcher, K., Sahin, A., Fenz, N., Höhne, U., Nikolaev, A., Trifonova, M., Heinel, T., Burmeister, A., Dannemann, B., Süle, E., Sumbadze, N., Robić, S., Simek, T., Kovács, B., Lugosi, B.


Paper Paper

Poster Poster


Increased energy efficiency and/or optimised energy management and/or integrate a higher share of renewables. Thus, the term energy communities in SHAREs refers to all forms of collective actions by and for consumers such as cooperatives, collective purchase groups or other consumer-driven collective actions. Six countries are involved in the project implementation: Austria, Germany, Croatia, Bulgaria, Georgia and Hungary. In order to achieve a clean energy transition, all consumer groups need to be involved and convinced to contribute to the energy market. Founders of energy communities are by definition very motivated and “on-board” but often lack the tools to engage with other consumer groups. The concept of the SHAREs project is simple and straightforward - to create a Gateway for those interested in setting up collective actions to help them initiate an action and grow. The Gateway will consist of: (1) A country-specific implementation toolkit to equip local heroes with the technical and logistic capacity to set up their energy community (legal framework, such as master contracts, technical and IT solutions, business models, etc.); (2) The building blocks of a tailored “pick-and-mix” communication campaign to enable local heroes to promote their idea effectively to their most relevant stakeholder groups. The Gateway will combine the insights and tools from existing initiatives as well as input of established energy communities (pioneers) and policy developers. After having been put to test and refined in at least 20 aspiring energy communities in 6 European countries, the Gateway will be broadly disseminated to relevant stakeholders all over Europe.


prosumers, local heroes, communication campaign, energy communities


Sustainability, Impacts and Policies


Sustainability, socio-economic aspects and public acceptance


32nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition




269 - 273



Paper DOI:

